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CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: BlackCabs.6981


I have been reading many of the posts about housing and would like to throw out a different idea that might spark some more ideas about what housing could be like in GW2. My idea includes: Housing + PVE + Factions + WvW elements. It also has many elements that would help build a strong community I envision player housing being more than just somewhere you put your stuff, it should include the main mechanics of the game and feel like a community where you are fighting to keep what is yours, while also gaining rewards to make the experience more epic. Since this idea is very large scale it probably cannot be implemented, but like I said the main reason for this post is to spark more ideas.

There will be 10 housing districts total
5 will be for Faction A, 5 will be for Faction B
There will be 2 Districts (one for each faction) per each race homeland
This will give players the option of what environment they would like to live in
Each District has 5 Sectors or neighborhoods
Possible player District Leaders??

Town Squares – merchants, crafting, banking, etc
Supply Camps – holds the supply, 1 in each sector and 1 in the town square
Tower / Walls – to protect against PVE mobs, have to be built with supply
NPCs (guards, mercenaries, etc)
Possible Sector Commanders??

Customizable – in size, color, furniture, garden, etc

Inside will have similar features to the Hall of Monuments in GW1
display weapons, armor, mini-pets, titles, achievements, etc

Nodes (plants, trees, ore), usable once every ___hrs
will cost gold + laurels to obtain certain higher types of nodes

6 supply camps per district

Costs certain tokens / currency that players give to the supply NPC at each camp to get a certain amount of supply

Tokens can be obtained in a variety of ways including: defending your sector/ district, other districts / sectors that are apart of your faction, renown hearts / dynamic events located in your districts homeland

Gain more tokens by completing events that have not been completed recently or helping defend districts / sectors that are not your own

All players in a certain sector share all the supply in the camp, player will have to manage how they will spend their supply (houses, defense, merchants, etc)

Each sector has the ability to move some of their supply to the town square’s supply camp where they can share it with the other sectors in their districts. **Will be a great way to help build a great community base, since everyone will be working towards rewards they share as either a district or a faction

Players will be able to choose what faction they want to represent (character or account based???)
Each faction will have different types of mobs fighting for them
Players will obtain rewards based on their success as a district and as a faction as a whole
Each faction will have 5 districts that are interrelated by a reward system
Your individual district will be able to help other districts defend, build, resupply

Defensive: increase build rate, different upgrades to walls and towers, siege similar to the WvW system. Rewards gained per district

Offensive: increase the level / quantity of mobs attacking the other factions districts, how often mobs attack others, mobs with siege, veteran and champ mobs, dragons?? Rewards gained per District

Faction rewards: increase xp, karma, gold by 1% permanently each week, decrease crafting mat costs, token drop rate, size of houses / town halls, etc

Rewards will be granted at the end of a certain period of time to the Faction who has the least amount of damage done to their districts. Could be a point system??

Rewards for districts (defensive and offensive) will be gained by completing certain achievements or goals.
Example: 90% of houses have no damage done to them during a 24hr. period, districts will have a 1% decrease in build cost per structure (Max of 10%??). If goal is not reached then district loses 1% buff or may have a 1% increase in costs.

Mobs from each faction attack different districts, usually focusing on one particular sector, this will be random. A message similar to the Scarlett one will be displayed on the players screen informing them of an attack.

Mobs can destroy all buildings including: houses, town squares, walls/towers, etc

**Don’t worry they stuff in your house will not be destroyed, you will just not be able to access it until you rebuild it with supply

Mobs don’t come in endless wave after wave, there is either a certain amount you have to defeat or a time limit before the mobs leave

Buildings are damaged like in WvW, there is a health bar that can be replenished with supply