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On necros being "broken"

in Necromancer

Posted by: BlackKaiseR.8320


I have no QP because, along with most other pvpers, I haven’t step foot in the mists since before QP was added because of how awful spvp is right now without match making, ladders, etc.

So you haven’t step foot in the mist for ages BUT you talk about high level tpvp like you were living it daily?

Let me tell you the fotm group setup right now in EU paids: 2guardians + mesmer + necro + x ; being x most of the times ele. I don’t know about NA but some1 just said something similar is happening over there. Coincidence? No fricking way it is.

Do you know who is the main focus for EVERY group each time they face a group with a necro? That’s right, the enemy necro. People with even supposed to be OP classes like thief are being thrown out or are being made to reroll into necros in lots of groups to fit the actual meta. The “carried away” argument that has been stated in this thread is far away from being real, it’s a mere insult to loads of players probably way better than you are, a player that can’t even see how amazing a well played necro is right now in tpvp.

(edited by BlackKaiseR.8320)

Theives and free teleports.

in Thief

Posted by: BlackKaiseR.8320


I can perfectly understand your frustation, but there’s several stuff you’ve got completly wrong.

With sigil of shadows which is a permanent swiftness buff thief is when using leap or teleport WAY faster than any other class. I’d be fine with it if it weren’t for all the stealths. As I see it Thief should definetly be fast and definetly number one at chasing, but shouldn’t in return have the potential to become uncatchable.

-Sigil is 25% ms, swiftness is 33% ms + sigilĀ“s passive does not work while in combat. A thief trying to scape is more than likely in combat.
-There’s 2 ways for a thief to teleport away from a combat: blink utility, which is also the thief’s only stunt breaker and has a 50sec cd. Second is infil arrow, high initiative cost and most importantly doesn’t break stunt root.
-Heartseek is completly invalidated if the thief is ralentized, specially by chill, the gap/space you move gets highly reduced while in that state so it can’t be used as an scape way and most of times you can’t even hit a moving target with it.
-2 ways for a thief that is not in melee range to get invis: the heal (which lasts 3sec) and two utilities (smoke is short duration stealth and the field requires you to stay inside it for 5 seconds without moving; if you move out ot it or are knocked back of it before that time, not only you automatically lose your stealth but also gain the revealed debuff).
-Classes like ele have no problem at all catching with you even after you blink away if they use offhand dagger, then just use some cc in you now that you have used your only stunt breaker, giving rest of ele’s mates time to catch up. Also a guardian has several “teleport to target” skills (n3 GS + n2 sword + a low cd utility). Another thief can catch up the thief also easily. Other classes have more stuff to help with it.

So yeah, a well played thief can scape easier than other classes IF it has all his deffensive cds up and nearly full initiative, and even like that there are ways to counter it. And at the same time that thief dies easier than any other class as soon as he has used them. kitten even his blink has 2.5times more cd than other blinks like for example mesmer’s.

You know there's something wrong when...

in PvP

Posted by: BlackKaiseR.8320


There’s still plenty of thieves and mesmers, but I’ve found if you play 5v5 hotjoin you’ll see more balance across the teams.

And if you play paids you will face – 2 x guardians + mesmer + necro + X – 3 out of 4 times at least. But yeah, let’s keep on with “the thief/warrior makes this game unbalanced” thing since it’s the trend.