Showing Posts For Blankspace.3805:
This looks like a game issue as it seems everyone else is having FPS issues, crashes, or the like with GPU’s. I’m glad I can play and I have high quality/frames while I play… but constantly being at warp speed around grass gets annoying :P
I’ve had my daughter this weekend (being Dad > being professional nerd)
Lets see here.
Ambient Occlusion is off.
The artifacts happen only with GW2 and no other game.
I’ve tried turning Vsync off and on (both the graphics and game settings)
I’ve tried not using the SLI portion of the card and using only 1 monitor. (no dice)
The processor is the only thing OC’d on this rig currently.
It artifacts even when I’ve just started the rig up (so I don’t see heat being an issue and I have a total of 10 fans on this rig, including a Nocta…..)
I know I’m not the only one out there and I’m still trying to get them to go away.
When do I get them the most?
In WvW where I’m attacking the garrison from the NE area and there is snowy grass. Grassy objects in general seem to make my world unhappy.
It’s almost like just a certain texture (grass mainly… or environmental objects of the same family) are having an issue.
I’m just happy to know I’m not the only one… and I’ve been dealing with is since they ‘optimized’ the game client from BWE2-BWE3 and I can only hope for a fix in the works soon!
Edit: I’ve clean installed the game 3 times already and I have rolled back the drivers back to the flintstone ages (301.xx) with no luck.
(edited by Blankspace.3805)
Tried everything from rolling back drivers, messing with Vsync, buffering numbers… everything.
So I’m going to assume that when ANet changed things in Beta Weekend 2 (when this started and y’all optimized the graphics) that this issue was known but hasn’t been fully addressed.
I am sure a patch in the future will be put out that addresses this issue and the other issues people are having with hardware/conflicts with GPUs.
I’m not going to RMA a GTX690 because there is nothing wrong with the card and I hate to call y’all out on the issue… but can we please hear an update on the widespread issues so that we can at least hear something that acknowledges that y’all are at least aware of these issues and they are being worked on?
(Yeah I know… everyone is asking for acknowledgement. I just figured I’d join the masses and ask for someone with a special admin tag to bless my post with something!)
Side note Master… we took that garrison last night just for kicks because y’all seemed to have thought that on Tuesday (a non campaign night for PTX) when we had 10 players total on a map that you ‘stomped’ us.
You guys as a guild outnumber the amount of people we can even get in a map
We halted the progression on the NW tower (both days) AND we countered (in total for both Tues/Weds) your 20+ ballistas, 10 arrow carts, 15+ catapults and the 3 trebs you put up and we only used…. 4 Cata’s, 5 Arrow carts, and 2 Trebs…. and then pushed into the garrison with less numbers! <3
The guild posturing to the side good luck on NSP guys
No idea what happened in EB tonight but PTX faced TBH and took back some Tier 3 towers and finally (whew) the Garrison which had at least 15-25 individual siege (ballistas/arrow carts) in our home map :P
Should be interesting to see the matchups for next week eh?
Drivers are up to date
Game options have all been turned off, on, medium to try to find a solution and nothing yet.
PvE has finally rebounded that a small amount of people have finally populated the server… We are sitting at like 1/20 of what other servers have for population (not even crying about Oceanic timezone) and you can feel it from time to time. (not a plug just trying to get some help)
Anytime I walk by friggen grass/green trees/ or certain objects and suddenly the world is freaking out with white/colored ‘ripping’ of the world.
Any help please!!!!
I was writing a really long, informative post about.. blah blah come join our server, no queues, co-ordinate with us in WvW, hurray!
But I’d rather you came to the server to check it out yourself.
My name is Blankspace. I don’t do politics. I don’t deal with drama. We kickkitten I help lead the server to glory (not being an elitest in saying this) by spending the time teaching our pugs and newer players how to take towers, how to upgrade effectively, and which tactics to use in certain situations.
If you want to come to a server where you are actually a part of the people who help win the map and WvW (Like Condemned in TA, FoE in AA, or some of the huge community servers out there… Beastgate… Jade….) then we want you.
We are working on a Server WvW Alliance and we have a server WvW Teamspeak where ANYONE can come co-ordinate with us for WvW efforts!
(edited by Blankspace.3805)
Sitting on Devona’s Rest and watching y’all struggle in WvW with us has been a pleasure! I’m glad to see the community growing (hey… this is crazy but maybe consider all coming over to DR?) Oh wait, even if they merged DR and KE we’d still be 2k players under NSP. :P Glad to see y’all are having some fun over there and see y’all out in WvW!