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22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Blazenhawk.3281


I don’t understand where it says we only have a small chance to receive these Halloween themed items. The only thing I saw when I opened the gem store was the attached picture. It says nothing about a small chance or 1/10,000,000,000 odds to getting it. The picture clearly implies that they replaced the items in the chest with Halloween themed ones. It is pretty obvious why people feel misled.

It doesn’t say : “Have a very very small chance to discover the secrets of the black lion chest”

It says: “Discover the secrets of the BL chest”, with a picture that clearly implies the BL chest contains there unique weapon skins. Clicking on the picture takes you to the page to buy the keys. never anywhere did it say there was a small chance or it was a gamble. The expectation given was that you “discovered the secret” by opening a chest and you got some of the items advertised.