Showing Posts For Blinding.6457:

World Linking 6/24/2016

in WvW

Posted by: Blinding.6457


@Blinding: It’s every two months, right?

Anet, your autocensor has gone haywire if it can’t recognize the common contracted form of “is it not”.

OK thx, however gonna be 2 very hard months for us then :O

World Linking 6/24/2016

in WvW

Posted by: Blinding.6457


Dear McKenna and others,

I’m not overly happy with the linking as i’m a player of RoF and Dandilion has a point. We like WSR but this matchup is just outragously in our disadvantage and the few commanders we have are burning themselves out rapidly.

I know that WvW population is taken into consideration. But it’s not that what makes a server good or bad. It’s also other things. Like he willingness to join Teamspeak, willingness to follow/learn, not just logging in for Daily purposes, ect. I do not know if or how you can take those into consideration unless talking to the community leaders themselves, looking at TS numbers or even playing on the servers yourself to get the feel what it is like in every server.

Because of the difficulty of the population problem i’m not going to give in to my anger just yet and i’ll trust you to do what’s right in the future. However considering the state of the Server i’m in. Following question since i miss that information in the post above:

Do you have an idea when the next Relink will take place?

Warm regards

(edited by Blinding.6457)

Daily Exotic Reward Chest: No revenant option

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blinding.6457


Dear Anet and players,

Today I got my Chest of exotic Equipment from the Daily reward system. I find it very odd that there is no Chest of Revenant’s Exotic equipment option when HoT is out a few weeks already.

Would you mind adding it in?

Greetings Blinding

Separate PvE from WvWvW Players (Full Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Blinding.6457


Jana. There is no point for me to continue this discussion with you. You don’t know the situation on Rof i’m just giving the big picture on what is going on. I even encourage other people’s story’s. I want to help Anet in getting information what is the opinion on the servers about this topic. And believe me half my guild left, and 2 of the 4 remaining big guilds did too. I’m not the only one who thinks this way. All i feel you are doing in trying to win an argument of me instead of helping Anet get the full picture of every server.

My opinion stands.

Separate PvE from WvWvW Players (Full Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Blinding.6457


We’ve had this discussion before, and if you strictly separated PvE and wvw players, your server would always stay in bronze as no PvE players could join once your tick is good enough.

Totally agree in short term. But at least we can try to rebuild our server keeping guilds that transfer to us and not move out again in few weeks taking few or even many of our players with them when they leave (lets not name and shame here). This way we could boost up our playerbase with our strong core group instead of guilds getting frustrated by the vast amount of pugs we have at the moment. Even though they keep us in high bronze.

Just a Note RoF has a very bad TS/ingame ratio. Also those in TS are always the same. ofc this is nothing Anet can help. But what we experience is WvW pll do come to TS while PvE pugs just don’t. Hence they are not keen for trainings, discussions and so on.
And if people don’t even come to TS for the time beeing getting them recruited into WvW is an even bigger challange.

All i’m saying is the case of RoF. I’m not saying that this situation would apply to all servers. I Just feel there is a lot of potential in the core group of RoF. We just don’t have the numbers to live up to our expectations. I think a different System (server or points) might be a more fair way and will help RoF in the long run. It’s possible higher tier servers are not fond of changes because of their current rating.

Separate PvE from WvWvW Players (Full Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Blinding.6457



I would love to make a case to clear out some things that might encourgage seperating WvW from PvE player base:

The Case study considers Ring of Fire on Europe:

Ring of Fire has a small core group of WvW players that keep the server in it’s Top bronze ranking. However many of the hardcore WvW players are willing to boost up the server towards low silver. There is one problem towards this. Ring of Fire’s succes is based on the core group working very hard to get a good tick going. At that point a lot of the PvE player base joins Rof up when a commander is tagged up. This will make out lead expand easely considering the expertise of some of our commander. However once our matchup goes into silver it is not possible for the core group to even get a good tick of just because of the low number WvW-playerbase Rof has.

Because of this situation guilds that come here drag our core group away from our server (Including myself for 2 weeks). This makes it even harder for us to get our fellow Rof PvE players into WvW.

In the past (before the mega-server system) WvW commanders went to PvE and even helped out the PvE players for eg. triple trouble in order to get help in WvW when we needed it. The server system as it is at the moment makes it very hard to set up any events like that or to recruit from our own server.

This situation makes it so RoF WvW is ‘Dying’. Core players are moving out. Only way to get more people into rof is by means of our own Community. Cross server recruiting is very hard since people are not likely to transfer to a top bronze server that is loosing rating.

To conclude:
Considering this i would love a system that will take WvW population into account. For me this can be done in 2 ways:
- WvW population should be seperated from PvE population.
- Create a system where lower populated WvW servers would gain more points for holding objectives compared to their opponents which holds many more players. Again this will require setting up a WvW player Database to monitor the difference in player population.

These are just rapid thoughts i cam up with just now so i don’t have a worked out sollution for iether of these option. but i encourage people to make their own cased here as well as try to place there own idea so we can support Anet in to making a game for the players.

Sorry for spelling mistakes