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So we are all aware of the problems with the current dungeon system. This topic is about core problems not about bugs/exploits.
First off let me address the overview of dungeon runners. As far as I can see they are split into 2 camps.
Casual – They just wanna run a few runs every night at maybe like 1hr per run to get gear.
Hardcore – They want the prestige that comes with mastering that dungeon therefore want the dungeon to zone out other people who aren’t as capable as themselves. And have the unique gear that very few other have to prove it.
My concept is this…2 dungeon modes, casual or hardcore and legendary armor.
Casual – Have the current dungeons drop the tokens same as before that can buy the current dungeon gear. Make the dungeon playable to the average player…longer, more obvious attack telegraphing.
Hardcore – Obviously for the hardcore there’s gotta be more bling at the end so add in legendary dungeon armor. Upgraded from the exotic version that looks even better. More about this later.
Dungeon paths – if the devs want us to run multiple paths there has got to be incentives, this is for the casual and hardcores alike. Why would anyone spend twice the amount of time to get the same rewards. If the other paths are just as rewarding time to token wise then people will do these paths. These changes have to be done in a certain way though.
Changes to dungeons – after farming a certain path then suddenly getting slapped in the face with a nerf is annoying to say the least. “Why must the devs make my life harder.” To this end buff the other paths by either making them more rewarding or to take the same amount of time. If a nerf mast be done then introduce it in stages to ease players in or tell us about exact changes in advance so we can prepare.
OK back to the part about legendary armor. Make legendary armor the same as making a legendary weapon, requiring mats and farming. Make the dungeon paths harder with more mobs or harder boss fights with unique chest drops required to craft legendary armor. Also to encourage the use of all paths make the chests drop specific items required for legendaries. Trash mobs can also drop items required for the legendary armor then players will actually have a reason to kill them. This would also provide more endgame to the players that feel that there is none.
To summarise,
Dungeon modes to satisfy both the casual and hardcore player.
Legendary armor can encourage players to not skip dungeon content and provide endgame incentives to those that desire them.
Players like to be kept informed of upcoming changes as precisely as possible.
Gotta agree with frost.
Tried to do Arah and ended up with no reward for time spent in the dungeon at all.
Gold/repair wise or token wise.
Finishing the dungeon resulting in a bonus reward for the day is good but does not take into account the fact that people leave half way through. As a result of this experience not going back in there till its actually rewarding. Whether that is by making the encounters enjoyable or simply rewarding players for part progress.
The giant wolf boss was the main problem, he pretty much 2 shots anyone in the party. That is not so bad but the window to dodge does not take into account that some people live in places with 300ms+ ping where the boss’ homing attack is pretty much twitch reaction provided a lag spike does not screw me. If I wanted to play a game like that there are console ARPGs that fill the role of killing me in 2 hits or less where I do not need to worry about lag.
To summarise,
Bring back rewards for chests. Keep increased rewards for completion.
Fix boss encounters to where dodge windows account for latency and leave twitch reaction dodge mechanics to offline games.