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Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Can we have an option to sort the skins according to sets in the account vault?
(e.g. crafting sets, cultural armor sets, dungeon sets, gem store sets, etc. )
The sorting scheme of the old PvP locker was fine but the current sorting is inconvenient and not intuitive. (And I can’t find any option to change the sorting scheme.)
Some problems of the current sorting scheme:
1. Cultural armor pieces of different tiers and races are not grouped together. They scatter around at different places in the vault.
2. The spinal blades backpack and catcher backpack of different colors also scatter around.
And sorting according to gear type is not convenient since most of the time I want to try out the whole set and then change some of the pieces.

Thank you.

(edited by Bloody Rhapsody.3810)

Choose the fractal I want to play?

in Fractured

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

The idea to relive historical living story dungeon in Fotm is a good idea lore-wise but there is a problem: RNG.

I have been looking forward to this update to replay the Molten Facility but the RNG is annoying. And to make things worse, it seems that some fractals only appear at certain stages.

According to wiki:
Molten Furnace Fractal: only at stage 2
Aetherblade Fractal: only at stage 3
Molten Boss Fractal: only at stage 4

So I have to play 3 random fractals in order to get a chance to fight the molten boss?
I don’t care about rewards. Sometimes I just want to play a particular fractal with friends and experience the dungeon again.

make a ‘Practice mode’ in which players can choose the fractal they want to play.
Completion of ‘Practice mode’ however gives no rewards (no chest, fractal skins, etc).
So players won’t be repeating the same fractal except for fun or practice.

Anyone also likes to see this happens?

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

If it pains you to see hassles being removed and other players being able to enjoy the game better, I’m afraid I can’t sympathize with your thinking.
You had your time, you had your fun. Now there’s new stuff. Why not enjoy the new stuff and let them kids enjoy the old stuff? Would you rather keep parts of the content constantly out of reach to portions of the playerbase? Old, bad, annoying mechanics always old, bad and annoying? All improvements halted?
That makes no sense to me.
By making the level account wide, people who have several characters can play with the characters they want to play. And the only limit is in their agony resistance in that character against the unavoidable agony. Characters you geared will keep their gear and agony resistance. And you will still have to gear any more characters you plan to get to higher level fractals. That won’t change.
So all in all it’s a good change.

I think we are not saying that the changes are bad and shouldn’t happen. We are concerning about the implementation of the level reset, which should be done with care in my opinion.

For the “fun is reward” argument, I think the reward, the accomplishment and the progress are all essential parts of the fun. Otherwise, we don’t need any kinds of reward system in any games. Of course, the level reset cannot take away the fun you had, but it can make leveling meaningless and not fun anymore because you know your level can get reset anytime they release new updates. And this is why I am concerned.

Once again, I use this example. One day, you are told that your PvE/PvP/WvW or even your gold will get reset without any compensation simply because there will be some changes to the leveling curve or whatever. Do you think it is acceptable?

Compensation for getting reset to level 30?

in Fractured

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

I am not a fan of FotM (my highest FotM level is <15) but I do think compensation for the level reset is needed because you spent lots of time and effort for it. They shouldn’t reset anyone’s progress without any compensation.

For those who don’t understand the issue or think that compensation is not needed, just imagine one day your PvE/PvP/WvW level get reset simply because of some living story update. How would you feel? Can you still trust this game? On the other hand, if they do give compensation, you know they acknowledge players’ effort and you can confidently dedicate your time and effort in this game.

For the compensation, I would suggest rewarding hidden achievements with titles for you to show off your accomplishment, maybe one for reaching 50 and one for getting more than 1 characters to 30. Achievement chests would also be good but optional in my opinion. Afterall, you do all these for personal satisfaction instead of concrete reward.

I hope that some developers will read this thread and give some official response soon. Well, maybe they planned some kind of compensation but forgot to announce it?

Thanks for reading.

Why was Karma income nerfed by ~90%?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

These changes are terrible. The karma reward system was fine but now it is totally broken. Daily was the major source of karma. If they nerf it by 90%, they should also reduce the price of temple armor by 90%.

Temple armor was the easiest way to obtain exotic PTV armor for new players to get prepared for WvW or dungeon. Before patch, it requires ~10 daily which is a reasonable amount of time because you can probably get a full set in around a month. But now it is 70 daily, more than 2 months, for a single piece of exotic.

And this change wouldn’t encourage people to complete events because each event only gives around 20-400 karma according to wiki. So you need to complete >100 events for one exotic. This certainly becomes a grind. New players now have to grind for exotic. I still have millions of karma so it doesn’t affect me right now. But for new players, this change is crazy.

Edit: I am not saying that the reduction of daily karma itself is unacceptable. I am talking about the karma reward system as a whole is now broken. They shouldn’t nerf the karma gain but leave all the prices unchanged.

(edited by Bloody Rhapsody.3810)

Tribulation Mode - I am ready

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

I’m going to lay out the game philosophy behind how we decided to do Tribulation Mode because I think it’s going to be misunderstood by a lot of folks.

First, here’s a playthrough of two games that are in the style we are doing.

I feel really happy to see developers talk about their game design philosophy on the forum. I am happy to know that the TM is not simply to make-enemies-hit-harder-and-give-you-less-health, which is boring. And I am excited when I see Cat Mario because I love this game.

I love it not only because it offers great satisfaction upon success but more importantly its creativity. This IMO makes the failure in Cat Mario fun and enjoyable. I laugh when I ‘eat’ an enemy coming out from the question mark box.
I laugh when the floor falls down. I laugh when I find that I can have negative lives.
And I know that every death is meaningful for me to figure out the way.
Yes, you mention that we should not interpret losing lives as failure. This is a good point. Cat Mario is successful in making me feel death is fun and meaningful but not a ‘failure’.

That’s why I don’t really enjoy the Queen’s Gauntlet.
There are too many things (repair fee, ticket, way point and the queue) keep reminding me that death is a failure and make me frustrated. Opening the floor when time is up is a good try but I always die before time is up…

I am really looking forward to play SAB TM and hope it will be both fun and challenging! Thanks!

More ways to obtain unidentified dyes please?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Dye unlock is soulbound because it is meant to be a kind of progression of my characters. But at present, the way to obtain them are too limited and their drops are too rare. They are too rare that usually I get <10 unidentified dye drops when I level up a character from lv 1 to 80. They are too rare that some of the rare dyes cost >20G on TP. This makes me feel that the soulbound dye unlock system is punishing alts instead of a kind of progression.
I really hope that we can have more means to obtain dyes, especially during the progression of my character. Here are some suggestions:

1. Make it a guaranteed reward during my character progression, such as
– Personal story
– WvW rank chest
– Map completion chest
2. Make it a random drop in time-gated chests, such as
– World boss chest
– daily,monthly achievement chest
– jumping puzzle chest
3. Let us exchange them with different kinds of tokens such as
– WvW badges
– dungeon/FotM tokens

Thanks for reading

Critial Diff between Challenging & Punishing

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Agree completely. Punishing the players heavily for failure in a challenging content is a bad design. It discourages players to continue facing the challenge and make them feel frustrated.

Queen’s Gauntlet would have been a much better event if Anet can make failure more fun and less punishing. This will encourage the majority of players to try more. Then both good and not-so-good players will be happy.

Updates for ascended gear in the next patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

I am happy that Anet didn’t forget Southsun cove but what about Ascended gears?
Anet introduces them half a year ago but seems to forget them for months.
There have been no updates on them for months since the patch for guild mission.

They promised to diversify the ways to obtain ascended gears but still…

  1. Backpacks are only obtainable from fotm
    (well, and also from secret of southsun cove as a temporary content)
  2. Amulets are only obtainable from laurel merchant
    (well, and also the triforge for >200G)
  3. Only accessaries are obtainable with guild commendation.
    (but not ring, amulet, backpack, infusion)
  4. There are still no crafting recipes for ascended accessaries, which makes jeweler a broken crafting profession.
    (or alternatively, MF recipes to upgrade exotic to ascended)
  5. Ascended gears are still not obtainable with WvW Badges.

And we are still lack of stat combinations such as carrion and valkyrie.

So would there be any updates on ascended gear in the next patch?
In fact, I hope we can have some official response about current progress and future plan on these issues and ascended gear in general. Thank you for reading.

Are the Molten Facility rewards too limited?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

It’s really sad. With the introduction of SAB I just thought ArenaNet had learned and decided to lower the player frustration by extreme RNG for temporary rewards. Apparently that’s not the case and the only way to reliably get what you want, is again – surprise – farm COF1 for money and buy it.

Agree. I like SAB very much not only because of the content but also many other aspects such as:

  1. token based and RNG based reward system for players to obtain the skin.
  2. Easy mode for players who find the content too challenging.
  3. Secret rooms for players to explore and the achievements associated with them

In contrast, the reward systems of fotm and MF are simply disappointing.
I really hope Anet can learn from the SAB to build better dungeon in the future.

Add a "show all listings" button please?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

The problem is that I now may have no idea on the position of the items I’m selling due to price drop. I don’t know how many listings below mine so I can’t decide whether I would better resell it at a lower price. Showing only lowest 20 listings is really not enough due to the 1c undercutting. Most of the listings just differ by very small amount.

I hope a button “show all listings” will be added so that I can see all the listings when I need to. Thank you for reading.

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

According to my understanding, story mode is supposed to be part of the personal story. Story mode is not supposed to be run regularly for challenge, tokens or money. So I would not suggest adding tokens to story mode because people will then speed run the story mode skipping all the story inside it.

However, the reward needs to be improved since the reward you get in doing story mode is even worse than that in doing the personal story. Doing the personal story gives you good weapon skin (T3 human cultural weapon skin) and black lion keys. So I think it would be nice if, for example, completing TA story mode for the first time (per character) gives you a weapon with T3 sylvari weapon skin according to your profession and a random booster. I think this would be a good enough motivation especially for new players or players leveling their alts.

And I hope Anet can scale down the difficulty for story mode according to the number of people inside so that people don’t need a full five people group to complete it. Finding 1-2 ppl would be much easier than finding 4 ppl.

Is AoE actually a problem? - Discussion Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

So far I have tried 4 different professions: warrior, thief, mesmer and ele.
And I certainly don’t think AoE skills are overpowered nor need to be nerfed.

AoE skills are certainly not in general better than single target skill.
Single target skills deal significantly greater DPS and are much more effective in boss fight and that’s why dungeon groups always want warriors.
Whereas powerful AoE skills such as meteor shower often need long charging time and this already poses a large constraint on the usage of powerful large area AoE.
Not to mention in order to have decent damage for my AoE, my ele have to be a glass cannon and can get killed easily.If you see eles spamming AoE on the wall in WvW, you can pull him down and kill him pretty easily.
So I don’t see why AoE skills are overpowered nor in general better than single-targeted skills.

By the way, the argument that something needs to be nerfed because many people spam it is ridiculous.
Eles spams AoE simply because we almost only have AoE and it is the feature of eles, just like stealth for thieves and portal,time warp for mesmers. (And ppl spamming AoE could be an illusion simply because they are more obvious than other skills) If you nerf something simply because many people use it, you will end up with nerfing everything and making all profession boring and dull.

Finally a simple suggestion that could make everyone happy:
improve other builds instead of nerfing current good builds

Name change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Also waiting for Name Change

Equipment repair system is terrible

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

I think the current equipment repair system really has a lot to be improved. Here are some suggestions.

1. We should be able to choose which equipment to repair instead of repairing all of them automatically. It is really annoying to put all other damaged equipment to the bank every time before I repair.

2. Equipment with different rarities should cost different
Currently, I think repairing Masterwork or lower rarities equipment cost much more than buying a new one and then selling the broken one. This make repair quite meaningless. (In fact, I never repair any equipment before I get my first rare 80lv equipment set). Also, people use low rarities equipment because they don’t have enough money. And people using low rarities equipment probably die more easily. So I think the cost for repairing low rarities equipment should be reduced.

3. Damaged and broken armor should cost different
Well, I simply don’t see the reason why damaged and broken armor should cost the same.

I think these problems are quite obvious and probably someone has already pointed them out before. But I still don’t see any improvement on repair system in recent updates. Thank you.

(edited by Bloody Rhapsody.3810)

Ingame Mail issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

I also face this problem. I sent some money and items to my friend but those mails still haven’t arrived after one day. And my friend’s mailbox is not full.
I think Guild war 2 email system really needs to be improved.
The quota of mailbox is so limited and there are no records about the mail I sent out.
Hope those mails can arrive some day

Change of Serial Code

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

But you have already changed your email address. I think the hackers can’t change your email and password anymore since they don’t know your new email address.

Is it too easy to reset the password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810


Is it too easy to reset the password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Then it is strange since my account was hacked two days ago…

Is it too easy to reset the password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Thank you for answering my questions. The gmail authenticator seems useful.
I agree that in general the email, serial code together with character’s name is safe enough. But the key point I want to say is that these three information are unchangable, thus it could be dangerous once they are known to hackers.

In fact, I still couldn’t figure out how the hacker is able to change my email account name. How can I change my email address?

Is it too easy to reset the password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Since I purchase GW2 digital version, it sends me an email with the serial code and I didn’t delete it. As mentioned, my email account has probably been hacked since the hacker was even able to change my GW2 account name.

Is it too easy to reset the password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

I have tried it myself and I can simply disable the authenticator by account recovery.
Account recovery doesn’t require you to login your account (because it is also used when you forgot your password ! ) It only requires email, serial code and one of your characters’ name ! So ridiculously the only protection is my email address password ! Maybe you can try it yourself to see if it works.
Enter your email, serial code and one of your characters’ name and then click “Disable linked authentication”

Is it too easy to reset the password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Adding the authenticator wouldn’t help since it can be disabled in exactly the same way as resetting the password.

Is it too easy to reset the password?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bloody Rhapsody.3810

Bloody Rhapsody.3810

My account was hacked and have just been recovered thanks to the rapid response of the support team. I suspect that my email account is also hacked so that someone now knows quite a lot of information about my account such as the serial code, credit card last four digits, etc.

Now, even if I changed my email address and passwords, I still feel unsafe since resetting my GW2 password only requires my email account, serial code and the name of one of my characters. Certainly, I can’t change my serial code nor my characters’ names. So if the hackers can hack into my email account again then they can reset my GW2 password.

Maybe I get too afraid after being hacked once but I think the system should ask for more secured questions and allow user to set up some security questions. I think security questions are quite common in many games or websites. Or can someone provide me some suggestions about this situation?

Anyway, once again thank you for the immediate help from the support team.