(edited by Moderator)
Showing Posts For BlooodX.8025:
Min 55 / Avg 75 / Max 90
Minimum 55 fps in WvWvW.
You just fight in WvWvW at the start place with some birds and cats?
Some players write correct numbers, but many people misinform others here. (too)
This topic is a joke now. (In this form.)
(edited by BlooodX.8025)
well, I just received my new power supply (1050) and will overclock tonight to see if i get a remarked performance increase. Still is sad to see the gtx 690 not doing anything above and beyond the 570 i had in their before.
You can gain about ~35% plus fps with overlock and that’s all I think.
Game engine + optimization is bad for WvWvW (now).
End game content is bad too: not good enough for PvP, not good enough for Coop.
We have to fight for only weapon and armor skins.
Not enough…
Am I too negativ and pessimistic? I don’t think so.
The game is not working!
Nearly 10 friends of mine bought GW2 and 8 stopped playing after 1-1.5 month because of these things.
In WoW, from 10 friends of mine 8 stopped playing too. After 2-3-4 years.
This game simply was not ready when released.
They would have release it later, maybe in 2013.
(edited by Moderator)
ahh ok man, so, do you think that CPU is bottlenecked? It is a very decent cpu, and I have hard time believing its bottlenecking
The poorly written and not optimized game engine by ArenaNet is the bottleneck on WvWvW…! :p
It is so “simple”.
I don’t see the point. What would be more interesting is to pick specific graphic settings, and have people compare how the exact same graphics settings perform on different hardware.
Yes, you are absolutely right.
We have to test with same settings: Best Appearance (and maybe on Best Performance too).
(edited by Moderator)
Oh man…I still can not believe to some people who write in this or other topic “I have x-y fps in pvp/WvWvW/cities”. :p
Post 1 or more screenshots from exactly same place with settings menu and that will maybe a good evidence.
-Intel i5-2500k @ 4500
-Point of View 670 SLI (310.33)
-Asrock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3
-16Gb ddr3 Corsair Vengeance
-Win7 64bit
-Samsung 830 ssd
Best Apperance
In WvWvW have to turn down some settings to get “playable” frames in large fights. :p
Worst performance is in WvWvW and in cities, so:
LA: 30 minimum to 150+
WvWvW: 15 minimum to 100+ (terrible / nearly unplayable for me)
And the screens from LA (halloween and before halloween) and from Heart of Mists (bridge):
And boy, even in the most crowded zergs I get 50 ish fps at the best appearance settings @1200p.
50 fps in the most crowded zergs…?
I think your fps value is not correct. :p
There is no cpu that can handle crowded WvW zerg in this game (35-40+ minumum fps). :p
i5-2500k@4500 / 670 GTX (+670SLI):
Lion’s Arch center (front of the statue):
670 GTX: high 38 fps / low 80 fps
670 SLI: high 45 fps / low 82 fps
Hearth of the Mists (bridge):
670 GTX: high 123 fps / low 180 fps
670 SLI: high 130 fps / low 180 fps
WvWvW (in larger fights):
High-low settings not matters, fps drops to 16-20!
(…GW2 is terribly (not) optimized for GPU and for SLI too…)
(edited by Moderator)
…lol, Again that’s not a populated area PvE … Try LA TP area and lets see how you fair there…
If you wrote this to me. – Than you did not read or understand what I tried to say in my last 3 comment. :p
(And I write again: look at my last comment in “Low FPS” topic with my Lion’ Arch screenshot. :p)
(edited by Moderator)
I’m still not seeing your 200 FPS screenshot. Enough of the pissing contest and trolling.
Here is a screenshot from me. I took it 2 min ago.
205 fps wow…
But it means nothing, if I can’t reach 30+ minimum fps in WvW fights.
So now let’s see your Lion’s Arch center screenshot with your great fps (200?), “trollhunter”…
Lets see your 1080P 200FPS from anywhere, including the loading screen.
I can reach easily 200+ fps in many places with high settings / 1080p with my 2500k@4500ghz + 670 SLI.
Look at my last post in Low FPS topic (page 29) and take a screenshot in Lion’s Arch center as I did and post it here or there.
Let’s see your 200 fps in this “pve city”.
(edited by Moderator)
Running 2 GTX580’s SLI and not seeing any problems (200 FPS) with the setting in the picture below. Using latest Nvidia WHQL drivers.
Lol…200 fps screenshot from anywhere.
Go into a bigger WvW fight with your 580 SLI and look again your “200” fps.
Let’s compare some PC-CPU-GPU on same place.
Lion’s Arch – In front of the lion statue / fountain.
(far away camera and watch the middle bottom of the statue)
- 45-55 fps with Best Appearance settings
- 95-110 fps with Best Performance settings
- 18-25 fps in larger WvWvW fights (20+vs20+) so it is less than half of this Lion’s Arch fps
Low or high setting doesn’t matter!
It is unplayable (for me) in WvWvW!
With a fast PC!
Intel i5-2500k @ 4500 + 2*670 GTX !
(in WvWvW dual GPU means around only plus 10-15%! performance increase!)
In every other games my fps is absolutely all right and in PVE I get around 120-200+.
I tested it with new Win 7 + Win 8 OS and I tried every tip what I found here on tech forum, but I saw these results again and again.
I don’t think so that anyone can get 60-70+ fps on that Lion’s Arch statue place.
Which nearly means no one can get 30-35 minimum fps in WvWvW larger fights…
I am using Intel i7-3770 GPU
using a grahpic card of GTX 670 Windforce…..
You compare FPS with 4 screenshots from different places, angle, camera distance, etc?
It’s not too significant.
(edited by Moderator)
- Lion Arch – 50-60fps
– WvW – 40-60fps
40 fps minimum in WvW…? In bigger fights too?
Sorry but I can’t believe this.
Yes 900 range instead of 1200! Please fix this bug!
Yes 900 range instead of 1200! Please fix this bug!