Showing Posts For BlueBrolly.5026:

[TBE] The Burning Eden - Devona's Rest PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: BlueBrolly.5026


Ive been trying often to get access to your site but cannot. Waiting for an admin to accept my new account on your site…. brolly759

LF Active Guild in NA server

in Guilds

Posted by: BlueBrolly.5026


I am just starting out again after a few months of not playing. I played up until level 10, and starting again on a new Mesmer.

I have Vent/Mumble/TS/Skype 25, Male, NYC

I enjoy PvP more than PvE and understand the progression of the game as I played many many MMO’s in the past.

My account has an 80 tank… but dont ask on that.. long story lol

If you have any questions please let me know, I can transfer to any server that is needed. Hopefully I will hear from someone soon!

Happy Gaming