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How to solo "Clear the Krait from ..."

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobSort.5681


This tutorial teaches you how to solo the event
“Clear the Krait from Moogooloo to rescue the quaggan slaves”

Title of this tutorial might be confusing but after reading it you will understand why I choose this title.

First of all this event is in Kessex Hills, the “Viathan lake” at center of the map.
During this event you need to kill at most 10 Kraits to clear the area.

This event is interesting like 3 other events in this area for few reasons:

  • If you are into discovering crafting recipes or just simply need a set of gear with Vitality and Toughness you will need:
    – 156 for [Armorsmith] (6pcs. of armor in 3 tiers = 3*6+8*6+15*6)
    – 156 for [Tailor] (6pcs. of armor in 3 tiers = 3*6+8*6+15*6)
    – 156 for [Leatherworker] (6pcs. of armor in 3 tiers = 3*6+8*6+15*6)
    – 182 for [Huntsman] (7pcs. of weapon in 3 tiers = 3*7+8*7+15*7)
    – 104 for [Artificer] (4pcs. of weapon in 3 tiers = 3*4+8*4+15*4)
    – 208 for [Weaponsmith] (8pcs. of weapon in 3 tiers = 3*8+8*8+15*8)
    Which is in total 962 [Small Scales].
    Just a reminder that items that you are going to craft with these items are only good for level 20.

Now back to the event

  • During this event you will kill lots of Kraits and Barracudas which all of them are easy to kill if you spent enough time in 1-15 area and managed to upgrade your gear to a level suitable for this area.
  • The area is totally empty from players so you can easily have the event for yourself alone to solo for rest of your life (well if you are patient enough …)

My Character is an engineer level 25 that is downed to 24.
Kraits and Barracudas that we are hunting are all level 23 spread in a big area.
The spawn timer is very fast. This logicaly means if you are alone in this area (which is true unless an annoying player come along and help you ruin the event) you will never be able to finish the event and will do this event for rest of your life.

Well obviously you are not doing this event for a few copper coins, a little XP or a little karma. You can get more karma from level 1-15 areas. Even killing mobs gives you greater XP than event itself and on the other hand these Barracudas are reach. Some of them even carry 20 copper coins. they are Barracuda after all.

I didn’t even have to move around because as soon as I killed on Krait another one spawned and the total Kraits in area never dropped less than one even though I tried to finish the event. Some of Kraits spawn wealthy Barracudas.
before I give up, I tried for an hour and half.

After leaving area I checked my inventory:
43 [Small Scales] and lots of white, blue and green items that I vendored and a lot of scraps that I turned to material plus 11 silver and a few copper.

So if you are planning to solo this event or even do it with a friend, forget about it and just grind your crafting material because you will need a lot of them.

I hope my sarcasm didn’t annoy you so much and made you laugh a little too.

Thank you for the Compensation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BobSort.5681


It is interesting that real bugs threads are getting closed very fast even before it is resolved, but such a thread remains open and yet gets a score up too!

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BobSort.5681


Did you not see on the guild roster of members that any character of your account was marked as leader? I would not have tinkered with it after seeing this tag there.

I don’t understand what you are trying to say?
I don’t see any tabs other than main tab for specific guild in other characters unless I represent it.
If you create guild with a character and leave it from another character it should not delete the guild!

(edited by BobSort.5681)

Guild UI bug which caused Guild deletion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BobSort.5681



I already know that (In hard way), but Wiki says otherwise and that is why I have a reference to it here. I did exactly what Wiki said and it is my source of information about game.

If you look at UI on top left of screen below Window title, it says Account Guilds, with an S at the end, meaning I will be seeing a list of guilds in this account.

On the other hand there is no other warning when you are deleting your guild.
In other games like “World of Warcraft” you cannot leave guild as long as you are leader of that guild. Even when there is no other member in guild the only option available is disband the guild. When Leaving guild the only message that is showing is “Are you sure you want to leave guild?” and that is it. It doesn’t warn you that if you leave guild we are going to delete your guild too remove all money you deposited in it, stuff you are deposited in guild bank, remove all upgrades that you bought with expensive influence that you gathered over weeks or bought with real world money and even release the name you are registered your game under so someone else can use the same name!

Obviously the people who designed this interface never played a MMO game before or in other word they never wrote a serious program. In a serious program you never delete a master record when there is related child records exists for it. even doing so, a history record should be kept in case a revert or undo is needed.

If you played other MMO games, you know that there are GM’s in game to assist you in situations like this. I can’t find any thing even close to this.

This isn’t what I’m expecting from NCSoft which has 5 other MMO games that most of them did way better than this one even on earlier days.

Issues with the Guild System? Post here!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BobSort.5681


I quote directly from here Guild Wars Wiki:

To join a guild, open the guild panel, choose the “management?” tab, select the guild from the list, and press the “Join Guild” button. Players can accept invitations to multiple guilds. To leave a guild, select the guild and if you are representing, choose “stand down” then the “leave guild” button will become available.


Each player account can belong to multiple guilds. However, each character may only represent one guild at a time; only that guild earns influence from the character’s actions. In addition, the character only has access to guild features of the represented guild, notably shared storage, buffs, and guild-wide chat. To change the guild represented, open the guild panel, choose the “management” tab, select the appropriate guild, and choose “represent”.

And yet none of these are working the way they should.

Not being able to see list of guilds is least of the problems.

This morning I was going to give it a try and join another guild too; so in one character that I was going to delete later, I stand down and left guild (My own guild) as instructed in Wiki.

I noticed that I still can’t see list of guilds. I wasn’t worried because I was going to delete that character.

After Deleting the character, I logged into another character to add an upgrade to my guild, realizing that my guild is gone!

It is necessary to mention that it was my personal guild and I had to buy Gems, turn it to gold and then turn in to influence to buy upgrades and then wait for weeks to have upgrades in place. All my time and effort that I spend on the guild were gone! and there wasn’t any way to return it.

I reported the problem in Support and received an auto response asking me to download GameAdvisor.exe and check my network connection!
seriously? blaming a UI issue on network connection?

So I came here to report it here. The hint above text box says bold does bold … and for rest of tags look at forum faq. I looked and there are non-sense hints that doesn’t even related to this forum and just copied to have a page full of text.

Anyway I guess using end-user as free beta-tester becomes a common issue in software industry!

I also posted this issue here in detail Guild UI Issues

Guild UI bug which caused Guild deletion

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BobSort.5681


I read somewhere that original World of Warcraft team left to create GuildWars. It might be true but I’m sure they are not working in GW2 team anymore!

Looks like this game and its website are made by high school students.
Graphics are amazing, but functionality … really?!

I quote directly from here Guild Wars Wiki:

To join a guild, open the guild panel, choose the “management?” tab, select the guild from the list, and press the “Join Guild” button. Players can accept invitations to multiple guilds. To leave a guild, select the guild and if you are representing, choose “stand down” then the “leave guild” button will become available.


Each player account can belong to multiple guilds. However, each character may only represent one guild at a time; only that guild earns influence from the character’s actions. In addition, the character only has access to guild features of the represented guild, notably shared storage, buffs, and guild-wide chat. To change the guild represented, open the guild panel, choose the “management” tab, select the appropriate guild, and choose “represent”.

And yet none of these are working the way they should.

Not being able to see list of guilds is least of the problems.

This morning I was going to give it a try and join another guild too; so in one character that I was going to delete later, I stand down and left guild (My own guild) as instructed in Wiki.

I noticed that I still can’t see list of guilds. I wasn’t worried because I was going to delete that character.

After Deleting the character, I logged into another character to add an upgrade to my guild, realizing that my guild is gone!

It is necessary to mention that it was my personal guild and I had to buy Gems, turn it to gold and then turn in to influence to buy upgrades and then wait for weeks to have upgrades in place. All my time and effort that I spend on the guild were gone! and there wasn’t any way to return it.

I reported the problem in Support and received an auto response asking me to download GameAdvisor.exe and check my network connection!
seriously? blaming a UI issue on network connection?

So I came here to report it here. The hint above text box says bold does bold … and for rest of tags look at forum faq. I looked and there are non-sense hints that doesn’t even related to this forum and just copied to have a page full of text.

Anyway I guess using end-user as free beta-tester becomes a common issue in software industry!