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Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BongiB.2317


Sounds good pal, I just don’t understand how you can play cross server here I go then, come ooonnn shaped internet…. plllllzzz let me play for a little bit LOL

The next thing would be working out how to communicate with you guys.

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BongiB.2317


lol yeah I was thinking about posting about being the 1K poster but forgot ha ha ha

yeahhhhhh so I still have not selected a server, I think I should pick an American one over the EU.

I’m on atm and just looking at where I should start and the 3 we’ve mentioned are full… any advice on where I should start? My friend who jumped in is on Ehmry Bay… so I figure I should just jump in, get to a point where we can play together and go from there… thoughts?

How is it that we can play together if we are on different servers?

BTW good luck Glitch or Dr. Glitch should we say?

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BongiB.2317


Akamon, Hello thanks for the mention. Yeah once I work out what is going on with all of this, it would be great to communicated with you guys

So I will try log on and go select the server and go make a toon, I want to look at a warrior of some description so here goes

Thanks Glitch, Lexy and Aka talk to yas soon my net is shaped for the next 3 days so I don’t know how far I am going to get, plus work has been full on TO THE MAXXX!!! Had a huge 12 hour day at work today and so I am hardly staying awake even now!!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BongiB.2317


Hi BongiB

Welcome to GW2 and to Tyria. Just to let you know that you can still currently transfer servers for free once every 7 days, we don’t know how long this will be the case and as of yet there is no other way of ‘guesting’ with friends in open PvE – only through dungeons and then only EU-EU servers or NA-NA servers.

In response to your ‘the who in the what?’ comment – this very long thread has evolved over the past few months into a bit of a cross-server guild of people who like you are in the game for some fun, some company and to help others from time to time.

As we are cross server there are possibilities that other members will be on your server for partying up, we get together to do dungeons (some more rgularly than others) and we also have a lively guild chat that all can particpate in. I’ve even heard a rumour that we might have a website for more organised events but I begin to suspect this is a lie…

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in I can send you an invite, or if you want to take some time to find your feet in the game first that is fine too – we’re quite relaxed about the while thing.

Thanks for the reply This sort of fun is exactly what I am looking for. I am actually in Australia, so I would be hoping to find people that are of like time zones instead of me staying up till 3am or getting up at 5am LOL!!!

Where are most of you guys from? Or are you all pretty spread out then?

So it all goes back to the big question… What server do I start out in?! I had a pretty nice guy from my local game store explain to me how the overflow servers work, so should I just jump on sea of sorrows then? (I keep reading it is the “go to” for the Australian/New Zealander folk)

Thanks again, what you’ve described would be awesome re. doing the dungeons together and questing n stuff in a group

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BongiB.2317


A friend of mine has informed me that once you choose your server, you can not jump to another server

Incorrect. You can change servers once a week.

Thank you very much That is a bit of a sigh of relief!

Operation: Union - Bringing Players Together

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BongiB.2317


Name: BongiB (not drug related… it is a part of my real surname)
Main Character: Don’t know yet but would like to start off with a hack and slash, so a Warrior.
Current Server: Don’t know what one to choose… I was hoping people could advise me on that one.
Interested Activities: Socialising, Dungeons, PvE, helping others level but mainly just play as a team
Active: Play mainly at night after work if I can concentrate enough, or maybe before I head off to work (I have 3 jobs ha ha ha ha so I can possibly work 7 days/week).
Additional Comments: I am just new and don’t want to make any wrong choices from the start. A friend of mine has informed me that once you choose your server, you can not jump to another server, so I have only installed the game and dled the patch (just over 4gig LOL). I have been hanging to get into a MMORPG again, I am almost completely over D3 as I have been striving for elitehood, but i have given in and purchased GW2

Are you willing to participate in Operation: UNION’S project, Y/N?: The who in the what now?