Showing Posts For Boris.7291:
Hey Ariantha
Ordo Contegium Destinatus [OCD] is a mainly New Zealand based guild with some Australian and a few North American players as well, and we’re always looking for more awesome people in our timezone to join our guild and have some fun. We mainly PvE, dungeons, fractals etc, and we’d love for you to come and explore the rest of GW2 with us. It’s always great finding new people to game with in your time zone. Message me in-game Finn Macmourna if you want to know more or are just looking for some fellow Kiwis to group with.
All of the Ranger drake pets (Ice Drake, Salamander Drake, Marsh Drake, River Drake, and the new Reef Drake) do not activate their family skills (Chomp and Tail Swipe) in combat.
1. Character name? – Finn Macmourna
2. Race, lvl, server and Profession? Lvl 66 (at the time, 75 currently) Norn Ranger – Jade Quarry Server
3. Quest which caused the skipping? Completion of The Lost Chieftans Return (Durmand Priory)
5. Other relevant details of the characters storyline? – Joined Durmand Priory, but upon completion of The Lost Chieftans Return, quest line changed to Vigil, telling me to report to General Soulkeeper, rather than the next Durmand Priory Quest
6. What quest and quest level did you get skipped to? Forewarned is Forearmed (lvl 48 Vigil Quest)
(edited by Boris.7291)