Showing Posts For BraveSirRobin.3497:

Flame and Frost: A Rallying Flame (Bonfire) [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: BraveSirRobin.3497


I logged just now to find out that the bonfire was removed which was a requirement for the final achievement for the living story.

I would like to ask Arenanet to consider putting that bonfire back in for a week or put an alternative way in to get the achievement. I haven’t been able to log in the last few days and wasn’t fussed about it since I knew that I had until coming thursday (which was announced a long time ago). Now I finally log in to find out that Arenanet has announced ONE day ago that the 4 day bonfire event has been shortened by two days.

People have complained about short term events before and you should have been aware that removing the bonfire on such short notice is simply not acceptable. I am aware that the achievement itself does not have a big impact but I simply enjoy completing achievements.

Spirit Watch- How to improve Orb. [sPvP]

in Suggestions

Posted by: BraveSirRobin.3497


OhhGasm.9604 is absolutely right. There are a number of builds that are equal or even stronger than elementalists running the orb.

Engineers: there are some builds which keep vigor up 100% of the time combined with a constant spam of CC abilities. By far the strongest orb carrier build although not the fastest.

Guards: Using block abilities to get an easy and unstoppable cap on the orb and continuing to block about 50% of the time while running up to the point and if he does get low health they heal themselves up to full multiple times.

Elementalists: As said before using mist form and following it up with ride the lightning is very potent combined with strong healing.

Rangers which use their sword skills to constantly jump combined with normal evading. Not the strongest compared to the ones above but if you don’t lock them down at the start you simply cannot keep up with them.

All this combined with the fact that I have extreme difficulties picking up the orb after the bunker has dropped it. I even feel that if a team manages to kill an orb carrier they should be the only ones who can pick it up for lets say 10 seconds. Dropping an orb should be punished somehow.

Massive Lag/Game Unplayable.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BraveSirRobin.3497


I have been having massive skill lag on Seafarer’s Rest in pvp. It was making the game absolutely unplayable for me. Please fix as soon as possible!

Developer Livestream Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BraveSirRobin.3497


I might be in too late already to post this question but here goes.

My guild loves running dungeons and after doing them so many times they have gotten really easy. I heard you talking about removing the ability to run back into a boss fight when you die but you also said that some fights were going to be nerfed because of this change. Currently we already hardly wipe on any boss so the nerfing of bosses does ring alarm bells for me. So my question is:

How do you aim to keep the game challeging for the more experienced PvE players? I’m not asking to boost the difficulty up without people being able to choose whether they want a challenge or not. Adding something in the line of Hard Mode as in GW1 would greatly boost my enjoyement of the game.

Achievements which aim at finishing a dungeon in a certain manner, speed etc would also be welcome.

Thanks for the stream btw. It’s a great way to communicate with the GW2 players!

Fotm highest lvl transfer to all characters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BraveSirRobin.3497


Yes I totally agree with the OP post but I think there can be multiple solutions to the same problem.

The first solution would be, as the OP stated, to make level unlock account wide. The easy leveling and gearing mechanics seem to support people playing a multitude of alts. If my team needs my guardian instead of thief I would just like to switch instead of having to unlock levels seperately.

The second solution would be that you can join but not open yourself the highest level which have been unlocked by individual members in a team (if one person is at level 21 the rest can just join in). I think this could be a good solution since in the current state people can either not join or the fellow teammembers have to be so kind to help the lowest level player unlock. In the case of a few runs this would not be a problem but having to run someone through 15 runs to get on the same level is something I do not consider fun or good game design. Once the run has been finished the member with the lowest unlock still can’t open up lvl 21 but would gain an unlock (for example from 5->6 or 11->12) depending on which level they originally were.

(edited by BraveSirRobin.3497)

Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: BraveSirRobin.3497


Thank you for increasing the drops from the dungeon but as many people have already indicated letting magic find affect these new chests is not a change for the better. This will lead to people equipping themselves in a way which does not benefit the group at all. Guild Wars 2 is all about grouping up so incentives to gear in a way that weakens the character does not increase enjoyment during runs.

Please reconsider this small part of the change!