Showing Posts For Brawlermein.1360:

Scoring Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: Brawlermein.1360


I think there is a simple solution that will solve all of the problems you listed in the original post.

EOTM style, having 3 hour matches.

Then your total weekly tick is only ticking up by say 5 for taking 1st, 3 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd(as an example). This would drastically slow down running up the score during off times, and keep the scoring close thought the week. 3 hours is a nice amount of time, because it’s a typical guild push. I think it would create great fights, because it would be like reset night every night.

All 3 servers would be determined to win their prime time match. They can log in for their scheduled match time, and put up a great fight, not jus wait till next week cause they down 50k already. They know when they are coming it’s going to start out even, only got 3 hours to get ahead. I think it would be really intense. They would form around the 3 hr matchs, and even if they start getting their butt kicked, okay they can wait for the next one and have another shot, and if they win that next match their total weekly score is tied back up. If you do 3 hour matchs, the megazerg benefit only lasts for 3 hours, then they got to bring it back the zerg. Often even the big servers do not have enough to field a huge blob every 3 hours.

Other option too is putting the weekly tick amount tied to population, so if more people playing, the tick is worth more, as a way to even further reduce off time scoring.

another option is do away with the 7 day format, and shorten it up.

(edited by Brawlermein.1360)

Which server to stack on for wvw tourny??

in WvW

Posted by: Brawlermein.1360


stacking is a fools game. At-least in T1 NA which ever server gets stacked usually loses because they are filled with PVE heros and bandwagoners that don’t actually help to win, and the WvWers that carry the load cant get in. S1 JQ was stacked and lost, S2 BG was stacked and lost. U should try actually helping your server to win, stacking and mindlessly zerging doesn’t actually work, atleast not in NA T1.

BG is stacking again for S3, so if u are trying to stack please by all means join them, It would really help us out a lot of you could get more rally bots on BG.

Good Luck Anet

in WvW

Posted by: Brawlermein.1360


Good luck Anet. I really hope that these listed in the feature pack is not the only improvements coming to WvW. I do not know if your realize how close the WvW communities in GW2 have come, and while it is a great feat for your game, your refusal to reward our commitment and dedication is going to cost you dearly. From what I can gather WvW is filled to the brim with players that have been here since the start. And our patience is at an end. With the release of Archage being F2P, every player in every WvW guild is probably going to at least try it. And since whole guilds are going, the odds of a majority not coming back are increased. You insist on devoting all your time and resources to making living story, and fail to realize why people play MMOs. People do not play MMOs to travel around doing solo instances. They play Online to play with other people. All stories come to an end. So no matter how good or long you make your story’s, people will beat them and be done with them one day. PvP on the other hand, there is always a new battle right around the corner, an enemy you haven’t faced or a tactic you haven’t seen. Only humans can bring originality and surprise to game play, your Ai can only fool us once. This is why the vast majority of all online play is PvP (Every FPS, RTS, etc). Why do you think games like counter strike and star craft were played endlessly? because of the campaign modes? hardly. its because both those games were exclusively pvp, and people(fans primarily) were able to customize and create new and exciting pvp maps and modes to play against each other. If you aren’t going to give us any new WvW content, then at least open it up so we can. Otherwise your game is doomed. All Stories come to an end, but there is always a good pvp battle to find, I guess the question is are you going to host the pvp battles in Tyria? or are you going to make us go somewhere else?

Good luck.

[Suggestion] WvW Map Variety

in WvW

Posted by: Brawlermein.1360


Can we please get a little variety in wvw borderlands? I think with the current setup adding 2 new maps, and making each color borderland a different map would be a simple and awesome improvement.
For example

Red BL: Fire/lava theme
Blue BL: Current map with more snow maybe
Green BL: Forest/Jungle theme

Please any variety to the real wvw maps would be awesome for those who prefer large pvp combat. There are always new areas and maps for pve players, but for wvw we haven’t gotten much.

WvW balance - the rolling cap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brawlermein.1360


Ok many of the GW2 community are here to WvW almost exclusively. Balance has and probably always will be an issue. I think that instead of just having a hard cap in each WvW map. There needs to be a rolling cap to keep the numbers even. This would greatly balance out the servers because it would stop being just a numbers game. This would also make moving to smaller WvW servers much more attractive and bring balance and parody across the servers.

How it should work. There are multiple options on how exactly to compute the cap at a specific time. Starting with EB it should simply be the smallest server +10. So that would keep all sides within 10 players of each other. which 10 is a big difference but not a crushing difference. So the smallest server does not get overwhelmed. So lets say red has 30, blue has 40, and green has 60 players on the map. With this rolling cap red and blue would be fine, but green would have 20 players in the q, instead of having double the force of red, they would only have 10 more players, keeping all the sides with a real chance.

This would make transferring servers to smaller communities an extremely viable option for a lot of high quality guilds. Because say a guild of 30 went to the smallest WvW populated server. They would be able to be extremely effective because they know that the enemy side could at most bring to bear 40 players against them. which keeps the fight relatively even, and we all know 30 organized will easily wipe 40 pugs.

Now how to compute the cap in the borderland maps is a bit trickier as there are times when one or two sides is empty. so perhaps they will have a hard minimum cap for the home team, and then a rolling cap above that, id say start the hard cap at 20 -30 and then do a rolling cap for anything above that.

I know you are still trying to balance WvW and I think this would greatly achieve that. Its no secret that the NA servers are stacked, primarily BG, JQ, and SOR. For anyone to have a chance they must be on one of those servers because the Q is big and the only way to compete is to keep the Q filled as long as possible. Well if we can get a rolling cap, and avoid 80 vs 20 fights, then there is no longer an incentive to stack on the 3 top servers, because the Q will be outrageous and the numbers advantage gone.

So to sum up, WvW needs a rolling cap to keep the fights close.

Thanks for taking the time to read this