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What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brigante.9632


I’m glad that most of these are not in the game. My first MMO was GW1.

I guess it really just depends on what your first MMO game was.

Yes it totally depends on which MMO was your first. I guess it’s the same thing as you get used to things you grew up with.

What feature do you miss from your old MMO

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brigante.9632


My original MMO was EverQuest 1 and that will always be the best MMO ever made (pre easy mode). It’s unfortunate that they changed it to be as easy as all other MMO’s out there.

Disclaimer: Of course I realise that GW2 is not the game for these ideas and that most players probably don’t want them but this is what I miss in an MMO.

  • Leveling
    It should take a long time to get to max level, event months so you feel like you have actually achieved something.
  • Non instanced open world raid bosses.
    It was awesome in EQ1 to move through zones when a raid boss was up and could one shot you if you took one step too close.
  • Large scale raids
    Targets that take up to 50+ players to take down and that involve strategy. Make the raid wipe numerous times until they figure out how to do it and still then make it difficult.
  • Death penalty
    Make you lose half a level worth of xp and your gear/inventory when you die so you have to travel back to retrieve it. That makes you think twice before you attack something. Make you go back to whichever city you have bound your character to last.
  • Trinity
    Killing mobs should require a tank, healer, cc/slower and dps to go smoothly. If you can kill without the required classes then your target is much too easy.
  • Mounts
    I want to ride a horse to travel faster. I don’t want waypoints/teleporting.
  • Factions
    Please make NPC’s attack me if I’m an enemy to their faction. Let me grind a faction to be liked by another.