Showing Posts For Broken Memory.1436:

Maybe i am noob OR i have a point...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

“CC” Stands for Crowd Control and “DS” stands for Dragons Stand, Which is one of the games maps. Guys if u dont know what these Abbreviations are u can ask here or in game im sure others will tell you.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

They most likely realize what they have done is wrong on an ethical level. It still could wrong on a legal one as well, but Anet does have a sense of security behind fine print, technicalities, and legal shielding provided their own EULA (it does contain anti-litigation/binding arbitration clauses). It’s not a matter of “I feel wronged so a law must have been broken”, it’s a matter of there being laws specifically made to stop companies from doing this very thing. It’s just prohibitively difficult and costly to pursue, with cost of seeking compensation is exponentially higher than the compensation itself could ever be.

It’s sort of like when someone with diplomatic immunity commits a crime. They know it’s wrong. Everyone else knows it’s wrong. There’s just kitten all anyone can actually do about it because of the fine print.

If they’ve done something wrong ethically, then that’s a subjective call on the part of the consumer (flame bait, I know… but I have studied ethics in the past… feel free to disagree on this specific point… but I’m not going to argue it any further than that). Yes, I think there are enough mitigating factors to not automatically jump to the decision that this as an unethical decision. ‘I feel wronged’ isn’t the same thing as ’I’ve been wronged,’ and the laws are there to make that distinction.

To be clear for my part: I think a refocus on ‘sustainability’ and a bolster to the LW team is compensation enough for the ‘indefinite postponement’ of legendaries. I think focusing on such sustainability should be the direction the company takes instead of hopping from one idea to the next… which is the stated intention of MO now that he’s taken over for Collin… I like that change in the ship’s heading… if they do in fact deliver. For those that find that unacceptable, there are other avenues to pursue.


I do agree. Some things like Fractals and other areas of the Game need more content and new LS would be great. Less grinding which they working on apparently ( dont know how) also is a great thing. I couldnt care if i had to wait longer for new legendaries if it meant more stable content in what the game already offers.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I have a question…

Since legendaries are no longer a priority for arenanet….

What is there to do in GW2 these days that keep you progressing your character? What drives you to continue to log in, farm events, etc etc. Is it masteries or something?

(serious legit question…havent played for more than 20 minutes in 1.5 yrs)

Cesmode how much AP do you have? Waht level Fractal are you on? What is your PVP rank and your WVW rank? also how many Legendaries do you already own? If all of those things are high then i can understand your complaint for not grinding or playing for more than 20 min at a time. But if u only have 4k AP no fractals and so forth then please dont say them cancelling new legendaries is holting your character progression. When in fact it is just yourself that is the issue.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns heralds the beginning of the first new set of legendary weapons to be added to the game since its original set of twenty included in the launch of Guild Wars 2. The first three we’ll release are a celestially themed axe called Astralaria, an experimental energy themed pistol called H.O.P.E., and a raven spirit themed staff called Nevermore. It takes a lot of work to craft these legendary journeys for release, so rather than take the time to develop the full set before releasing any of them, we will be releasing new legendary weapons in small groups at regular intervals until the full set of sixteen has been added to the game. Collections for the existing legendary weapons will be available on launch day, while the first three new legendaries will become available shortly after launch, alongside raids.

As far as i see this Anet kinda shot themselves in the foot. But at the same time halting production of one thing to bring another is no problem to me as i am still making all the old legendaries.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Right … making a mistake, recognizing a bad business decision and stopping low-value development now equates to immaturity.

The bad business decision was taking people’s money and then deciding not to give them what they paid for. Whether or not it’s immature is irrelevant; it most certainly is unethical.

Do you not agree? Will you give them money in the future, knowing that you might not get what you paid for?

I don’t see how it’s unethical at all and I don’t agree. Anet intended to deliver that content and even attempted to do so in good faith. It’s just not working out for them.

Will you give them money in the future, knowing, as you do, that if whatever you’ve paid for ‘just isn’t working out for them’ to deliver, not only will you not get whatever it is, but they will also keep your money?

I will because I understand what my money pays for, how much entertainment value I get from it and think the game is worth supporting. I don’t ‘act out’ and demand a full refund if a single feature is only partially delivered because I’m just not that selfish.

Even if I was due a refund, it would only be reasonable for it to be the part of the expansion that pertained to the partially delivered feature, not the whole thing, since I have been satisfied with other aspects AND got entertainment value from it. I just don’t have the audacity to eat a whole buffet and ask for a refund because they didn’t deliver chocolate ice cream that day.

So people are ok to get a partial refund now so how much is that 10-15-20-25-30-35 bucks?
considering the legendarys provided longer lasting content then the other features it should be around 50% refund imo, I still have only got 2 precursors since I refuse to buy of the tp I want to find and craft my legendarys myself. ( and thats 2 of the old ones in 3 years. )

I don’t know are they? That’s not my call. I was just saying hypothetically if a refund were to happen, it certainly wouldn’t be a fully refund for HoT. You can justify whatever percentage you want with whatever argument you’ve convinced yourself with. It’s just an academic exercise because frankly, I don’t think you will see a dime of refund.

How does crafting a legendary use more content? Some people can make legendaries in a day and then its done. If you grind enough and play like a monster with no sleep or day job you could prob make a legendary really quickly. Each piece of content is equally valuable. Im sure it would take longer to get to level 100 fractals and all achievmeents in game than it would to make a new legendary….

I don’t even get what you’re question is about; I don’t know how crafting a legendary uses more content. It’s that kind of ambiguity around what wasn’t delivered as content that makes the whole question about a refund very difficult to answer. Frankly, the only thing I see Anet not delivering is more Legendary weapons. I don’t know how many, I don’t know over what period of time. The whole notion we get compensated for content that was never specified is actually ridiculous to me. Anet could just sit back and say they never specified exactly what they were going to deliver, so no compensation is deserved. For all we know, their intent was one new Legendary skin every 2 years … and they would currently be AHEAD of schedule. They never said … and like smart game devs, they never do. I’ve seen that so many times. This isn’t new because they know that their efforts depend on … revenues!

“legendarys provided longer lasting content” Linken posted that. Thats what i was commenting on. Im all for not getting my money back im just impatient and want more content already. But i found 1 or 2 games to play while i wait for it so im not stressed.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Right … making a mistake, recognizing a bad business decision and stopping low-value development now equates to immaturity.

The bad business decision was taking people’s money and then deciding not to give them what they paid for. Whether or not it’s immature is irrelevant; it most certainly is unethical.

Do you not agree? Will you give them money in the future, knowing that you might not get what you paid for?

I don’t see how it’s unethical at all and I don’t agree. Anet intended to deliver that content and even attempted to do so in good faith. It’s just not working out for them.

Will you give them money in the future, knowing, as you do, that if whatever you’ve paid for ‘just isn’t working out for them’ to deliver, not only will you not get whatever it is, but they will also keep your money?

I will because I understand what my money pays for, how much entertainment value I get from it and think the game is worth supporting. I don’t ‘act out’ and demand a full refund if a single feature is only partially delivered because I’m just not that selfish.

Even if I was due a refund, it would only be reasonable for it to be the part of the expansion that pertained to the partially delivered feature, not the whole thing, since I have been satisfied with other aspects AND got entertainment value from it. I just don’t have the audacity to eat a whole buffet and ask for a refund because they didn’t deliver chocolate ice cream that day.

So people are ok to get a partial refund now so how much is that 10-15-20-25-30-35 bucks?
considering the legendarys provided longer lasting content then the other features it should be around 50% refund imo, I still have only got 2 precursors since I refuse to buy of the tp I want to find and craft my legendarys myself. ( and thats 2 of the old ones in 3 years. )

I don’t know are they? That’s not my call. I was just saying hypothetically if a refund were to happen, it certainly wouldn’t be a fully refund for HoT. You can justify whatever percentage you want with whatever argument you’ve convinced yourself with. It’s just an academic exercise because frankly, I don’t think you will see a dime of refund.

How does crafting a legendary use more content? Some people can make legendaries in a day and then its done. If you grind enough and play like a monster with no sleep or day job you could prob make a legendary really quickly. Each piece of content is equally valuable. Im sure it would take longer to get to level 100 fractals and all achievmeents in game than it would to make a new legendary….

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Some players are not pleased. The majority of players will never own a legendary.

Irrelevant. Anet took money for something they advertised and didn’t deliver. Do you want that to become a habit?

On the other hand there are things we got which were not advertised (not specifically now with HoT but with core game as well). It is tricky to start to count things because if one want compensation for unreleased promised things, then we should pay a compensation for released unpromised things.
I think this will just put Anet to their previous behavior of being secretive about what they’ll release with next expansion and only talk about ready-to-ship things.
But let’s just be honest for a second, if HoT would have only set 1 precursor crafting advertised, who wouldn’t have bought the expansion just because “no new legendary”? People having decided to buy the expansion just because of the new weapons must be far less numerous than the amount of posters in this thread. It doesn’t cancel their bad advertisement, but it is certainly not the sole reason for spending money on HoT.
They could just have emphasized the crafting feature and say “oh and by the way we have 4 new legendaries included, have fun… maybe later there will be more but for now we don’t talk about it”.
Basically we never feel robbed or betrayed for things we don’t know we could have had… so expect a long time of no promises and just discoveries of what they have decided to ship….

Interesting, but still irrelevant. Anet took money for things they specifically advertised but have now decided to not deliver. If you don’t feel ‘robbed or betrayed’ now, how will you feel if they do it again? Especially considering that your current acceptance of such behavior is an open invitation for it to happen again.

People: do you want this to become standard operating procedure?

I don’t think Anet undersold the Expansion. They havent released some of the content yet and that may have been their only faulter. Other than that no one is perfect adn they dont have an easy job and running away from a game because they didnt release 12 legendaries ( which they said were a work in progress and maybe in the future again. I dont see a lie there), well thats sad IMO.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

The majority of player do not come to the forums, do not read the patch notes and do not even know that anything has changed.

And it’s pretty obvious that the majority of players do not have legendaries because:
1. They cost a huge amount to make, more than most players will ever see.
2. Just look around you in game. Even in the harder areas, legendaries are still in the minority.

I have yet to see anyone with the New Axe or Pistol. Only seen about 10 if lucky Staffs. Sooooo is everyone waiting or no one actually able to make them that quickly or easily due to grind and cost?

Guild Wars 2 Website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

It is mentioned on their Heart of Thorns website probably because you have to have HoT to play it.

They made a sub domain for HoT as a product. Why they don’t have a link to the HoT website in the top menu of the main GW2 site I don’t know. It seems like that would be appropriate.

Yeah true i kind of forgot it was a HoT only class so GW@ F2P players wont have the Revnenant. My bad

Guild Wars 2 Website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Just something I have spotted.

The Revenant class hasn’t been added to classes available to play on the GW2 website under Game Professions.

Not that it’s important or anything. Just Saying

HoT was not "half done" and my 3 reasons why

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I already said that somewhere else but to me, the expansion is not half done but rather “rushed”. From story to Espec balance to economics balancing (scribing, Fractals for example) everything feels not polished for me.
It is really clear that they wanted the expansion to be out in 2015 but their famous high expectations on polish was not met in that case.
The last drama with legendary is also a perfect example. They have done a good way of precursors acquisitions, and even made 23 of them. Well 20 +3 to be released til people know where to find the needed content. But then they (I think) hurt the inspiration drought wall.
Knowing how Anet is with information they shouldn’t have talked about the new Legendary weapons, just introduce the precursor scavenger hunt (that is already more than the half of the work for this feature). Then they could have released one or two or even wait till they have 4 new ones as “surprises” and when people would have started to ask when the next one would be coming …. “when they will be ready, for now enjoy those”.
I read with joy that 70 people are actually working on the next expac because I do think they will go back to their standard and just release it when it will reach the quality they want to reach.

Im also really glad they said that. I really enjoy the LS part of guild wars

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Some players are not pleased. The majority of players will never own a legendary.

Irrelevant. Anet took money for something they advertised and didn’t deliver. Do you want that to become a habit?

On the other hand there are things we got which were not advertised (not specifically now with HoT but with core game as well). It is tricky to start to count things because if one want compensation for unreleased promised things, then we should pay a compensation for released unpromised things.
I think this will just put Anet to their previous behavior of being secretive about what they’ll release with next expansion and only talk about ready-to-ship things.
But let’s just be honest for a second, if HoT would have only set 1 precursor crafting advertised, who wouldn’t have bought the expansion just because “no new legendary”? People having decided to buy the expansion just because of the new weapons must be far less numerous than the amount of posters in this thread. It doesn’t cancel their bad advertisement, but it is certainly not the sole reason for spending money on HoT.
They could just have emphasized the crafting feature and say “oh and by the way we have 4 new legendaries included, have fun… maybe later there will be more but for now we don’t talk about it”.
Basically we never feel robbed or betrayed for things we don’t know we could have had… so expect a long time of no promises and just discoveries of what they have decided to ship….

To my understand Anet did say here 3 legendaries the rest are to come. Now atm they say they gonna work on otherthings besides the legendary weapons which isnt bad IMO

This expansion is falling apart. [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

@ Broken Memory: everything you’re referring to (champ trains, SW cf, dungeon farming, etc etc) is uber grind…

True but taking 10 min to complete a dungeon is much easier than spending hours in ds and hoping it passes.

SW used to also have 90% maps in LFG now there hardly any and even though champ train was a grind it did have a good convo running during it when u had to wait for fish to spawn or something once or twice to happen also the loot was easier and it was faster and readily available. Its not necessarily the grind but the community in that grind and how slow or fast it is i guess…

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Half my guild dont even know that the new legendaries have been haltered and they dont care because they feel it is worth to much effort and they making the old ones instead. Im also making the old ones instead as it is still easier and cheaper and they d the same thing. Anyway if you want legendary stuff u can still make the backpack and armour from raids soon…

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I reckon if I was Anet and I needed/wanted to divert dev effort away from legendaries I’d make a forum thread about it, prod it along for a few hours then leave it to descend into players arguing amongst themselves, as all such threads do.

Then I’d instruct customer services to take a hard line on refund requests and set the dev team on whatever I was planning for them to do anyway. I might look in on the thread occasionally and chuckle at the naive threats of legal action and wildly-wrong guesses at the composition and activity of the dev teams.

It’s a done deal and we are well short of a big enough rebellion to change it. There are actually only a few dozen folks complaining loudly, and some of them are the ones who complain about everything.

I also believe that legendaries will return in the future, maybe in a slightly different form, but there will be some insanely expensive shiny stuff for us to work towards. In the meantime “Ooh look! Shiny SAB!” and “Ooh look! The shiny spring update!”

Im hoping Dungeons get overhauled in some manner or just the gold reward reintroduced or some other reward introduced. Fractal changes is gonna be cool hopefully they dont reset everyone back to lvl 30 like they did when they revamped fractals the last time.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I also bought the expansion and have an issue or 2 but MO has told us what they plan on doing and I’m sure that with time the new legionaries will come again once they have sorted other bugs and content out.

What makes you so sure about that?

Im not sure about it. They said its indefinitely suspended. That is slightly worrying but i would rather be optimistic and happy other new content will come to keep me happy than cry about something I can’t control anyway.

You said you’re sure about it. I quoted you.

You may not be able to control it, but you can influence it.

That is true. For some odd reason I got some faith in them… Also you say we can Influence it. This is a a place for us to voice our opinions and such. So lets try influence what content they may bring rather than negatively voice what isnt going to happen at this moment.

I’m more interested in getting this back on track than new content, even if it’s not going to happen in the near future, to be perfectly honest.

Well its why I reposted Adrifts comment as it is practical in a sense and is what everyone should rather posting. Ideas on how to help to get the new legendaries rather than slander is a good start right?

Hmm, so the players should get either a partial refund if they dont’ get it to work, or a monthly paycheck for brainstorming how to fix the issue; Essentually, something ANET is paying someone to do.

I still don’t get it why is this even a matter of debate.
We’re the customers, ANET is the provider.
The only thing we have to do regarding this situation, is pay for the item they are selling. And the only thing ANET has to do is react appropriately.
Same as ANET doesn’t care how we earned that money, we shouldn’t care how they are making the item in question.
Both sides have different internal/personal preoccupations, which the other side shouldn’t bother with.

We’re not family. You should start acting accordingly.

Also I didnt and dont expect Anet to pay people for their suggestions or even if they made a legendary for Anet to put in game. I wouldnt expect Anet to pay them but being mentioned in the lore like someone else posted or it being named after the creator in some what way would prob be appreciation enough. Well atleast it would for me.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Sadly I’m not gonna read 50 pages of threading to see 2-3 constructive feedback and 49 Pages of whining. I did read the first 10 or so pages and got tired of seeing everyone whine. I then started only looking at what Mo had to say and then moved on to the later opinions people had. Still the majority is whining which in my opinion is really sad for such a big community game.

It’s ok to complain about things. People are expected to be sad when they are disappointed, and hurt when they are betrayed. You don’t have to go through life being a doormat.

I do agree we dont need to go through life being a doormat but rather make your feelings into something useful or something constructive atleast.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I also bought the expansion and have an issue or 2 but MO has told us what they plan on doing and I’m sure that with time the new legionaries will come again once they have sorted other bugs and content out.

What makes you so sure about that?

Im not sure about it. They said its indefinitely suspended. That is slightly worrying but i would rather be optimistic and happy other new content will come to keep me happy than cry about something I can’t control anyway.

You said you’re sure about it. I quoted you.

You may not be able to control it, but you can influence it.

That is true. For some odd reason I got some faith in them… Also you say we can Influence it. This is a a place for us to voice our opinions and such. So lets try influence what content they may bring rather than negatively voice what isnt going to happen at this moment.

I’m more interested in getting this back on track than new content, even if it’s not going to happen in the near future, to be perfectly honest.

Well its why I reposted Adrifts comment as it is practical in a sense and is what everyone should rather posting. Ideas on how to help to get the new legendaries rather than slander is a good start right?

Hmm, so the players should get either a partial refund if they dont’ get it to work, or a monthly paycheck for brainstorming how to fix the issue; Essentually, something ANET is paying someone to do.

I still don’t get it why is this even a matter of debate.
We’re the customers, ANET is the provider.
The only thing we have to do regarding this situation, is pay for the item they are selling. And the only thing ANET has to do is react appropriately.
Same as ANET doesn’t care how we earned that money, we shouldn’t care how they are making the item in question.
Both sides have different internal/personal preoccupations, which the other side shouldn’t bother with.

We’re not family. You should start acting accordingly.

Well Said

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Sadly I’m not gonna read 50 pages of threading to see 2-3 constructive feedback and 49 Pages of whining. I did read the first 10 or so pages and got tired of seeing everyone whine. I then started only looking at what Mo had to say and then moved on to the later opinions people had. Still the majority is whining which in my opinion is really sad for such a big community game.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I also bought the expansion and have an issue or 2 but MO has told us what they plan on doing and I’m sure that with time the new legionaries will come again once they have sorted other bugs and content out.

What makes you so sure about that?

Im not sure about it. They said its indefinitely suspended. That is slightly worrying but i would rather be optimistic and happy other new content will come to keep me happy than cry about something I can’t control anyway.

You said you’re sure about it. I quoted you.

You may not be able to control it, but you can influence it.

That is true. For some odd reason I got some faith in them… Also you say we can Influence it. This is a a place for us to voice our opinions and such. So lets try influence what content they may bring rather than negatively voice what isnt going to happen at this moment.

I’m more interested in getting this back on track than new content, even if it’s not going to happen in the near future, to be perfectly honest.

Well its why I reposted Adrifts comment as it is practical in a sense and is what everyone should rather posting. Ideas on how to help to get the new legendaries rather than slander is a good start right?

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I know I know, hot sensitive topic…

Since indefinitely suspension means we never get it, because given reason: devs need more people to develop other stuff… What I ask for is 1 guy from probably computer art design team.

He makes a contest, that is a blogpost anouncement that they take submits of legendary weapons, gives his email, we send our work to him…
Reasons: we know Tyria probably better than most devs do,
we can create an interesting journey because we know where mobs spawn what event are in Tyria.
We are already familiar with legendary journey and how much raw gold and materials it should require based on 3 HOT legies.
Gw2 community has made insane impressive art and fan based stuff during the years which devs keep showing at podcasts and streams.
We can do full requirements with collections and estimated gold costs time req etc… maybe even make icons…

Similar like how bloggers and youtubers do best elite spec contests, we can do same for legendaries just for Anet. After lets say the art design guy has 100 submits of different legies he presents the one he likes to the board. Then the best lets say 3 legendaries get made.
Resourses needed for that are very limited: only to take lets say BOLT collection change it around take our art replace the art of Bolt and BAM new legie(maybe not that simple but still…).

And what the community winners of that contest get? Well ofc the legendary they designed. Win Win Win… Sorry for English, I am not native.

This guy is taking the right spin on things… Taking a bad situation and trying to go around it with a positive idea. Rather be like this guy than cry all the time.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I also bought the expansion and have an issue or 2 but MO has told us what they plan on doing and I’m sure that with time the new legionaries will come again once they have sorted other bugs and content out.

What makes you so sure about that?

Im not sure about it. They said its indefinitely suspended. That is slightly worrying but i would rather be optimistic and happy other new content will come to keep me happy than cry about something I can’t control anyway.

You said you’re sure about it. I quoted you.

You may not be able to control it, but you can influence it.

That is true. For some odd reason I got some faith in them… Also you say we can Influence it. This is a a place for us to voice our opinions and such. So lets try influence what content they may bring rather than negatively voice what isnt going to happen at this moment.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

I also bought the expansion and have an issue or 2 but MO has told us what they plan on doing and I’m sure that with time the new legionaries will come again once they have sorted other bugs and content out.

What makes you so sure about that?

Im not sure about it. They said its indefinitely suspended. That is slightly worrying but i would rather be optimistic and happy other new content will come to keep me happy than cry about something I can’t control anyway.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Has there been any mention of any kind of compensation for those who bought HOT? Like some gems or anything?

Why would there be any compensation?

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

Reading the forums i just as bad as trying to PUG Raids…. Guys honestly stop crying like a bunch of huge babies. I also bought the expansion and have an issue or 2 but MO has told us what they plan on doing and I’m sure that with time the new legionaries will come again once they have sorted other bugs and content out. What you can do in the meantime instead of crying like a little girl is farm and get the mats for the legionaries and play other content. Unless you have every single achievement, weapon, Armour and so forth you have no right to complain about new content. Until you have all that you have no right as a low life to say anything. The Dev are working as hard as they can and you should all know what they do and are doing isn’t easy nor does it just happen over night.

This expansion is falling apart. [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436

No offense to anyone. Lately i feel that GW2 is solely grind grind grind grind until you die. Dungeons used to be fun to run with hundreds of people doing them for tokens recipe drops and gold. Now no one does dungeons anymore. New Maps are awesome but = Grind Away for Loot Drops. Champ Trains get nerfed and changed ( Queensdale Mobs now Veterans not Champs and Frostgorge Champ Train changed quite a bit since i last tried it) Not sure when these things change or if anyone said anything already but i honestly don’t see why Anet needed to remove things that people loved for absolutely no reason. even SW Chest spawn rate and loot drop has been lowered as far as i understand and have heard from others. I only log into the game daily for the log in reward. Just now that will be removed cos that’s how Anet are -.-. Fix your stuff Anet this game is becoming extremely laborious extremely quick

Beta Slot not allowing character creation

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Broken Memory.1436

Broken Memory.1436


I have the Beta character slot unlocked from the portal of maguuma drop. However i am unable to create a Beta character Is anyone ese having this issue and how can i gain access to the BETA?