Showing Posts For BurningThunder.3097:

[Spoilers] Question about end of story?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


So as a ranger I finished story and liked it, but the main question I am wondering is whatever happened to Garm? We know Eir died and Braham mentioned something about not knowing if he was even with her when fleet crashed. I know we saw him and Eir as illusions in final fight but we know there they were not real. I was kind of hoping for his unique skin to be gifted to Rangers as if Eir wanted you to take care of him(wishful thinking I know). Or at least for Braham to take him as his pet even tho Guardians dont use pets. Or maybe we see him later on in a plot twist of some sort?

What are your thoughts on this? I just think that Garm is just one more unanswered question left by end of story.

Missing Quest reward?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


I just did the story quest “Strange Observations” where u gather saurian bones for a certain purpose(to avoid spoilers) and in the quest rewards it listed a golden buckle used to upgrade my backpack from earlier except that it never appeared in my bags? did it go somewhere else or is this a bug too?

lagging endless lagging for all.....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


yeah i know nothing anet can do(although why arent they lighting a fire under isp to fix? lol) still annoying when ppl cant play tho……….

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


from what i understand from what i saw a month or two ago, the ddos is hitting at the isp lv b4 it even gets to where anet/ncsoft can do anything. the only ones that can do anything at that point is the isp that should be able to prevent something like this

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


1. Ranger
2. Engineer
3. Thief

Shield is inside arm.

in Charr

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


ive noticed something similar but seems to only affect my charr warrior, his shield Seems be carried under his arm although it isn’t upside down. Earlier today I previewed a shield on my charr ranger and it looked fine, preview same shield on charr warrior and its glitched…..shields also work fine on my asura engineer and my norn guardian, so seems isolated…..really hope its fixed no way ill use a shield on this guy until its fixed cause it looks so bad.

Looking for a new server

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


Not sure if this is right place to post this or not so sorry if its wrong….

Currently I am on ehmry bay server and my guild is server hopping and I am not following them for various reasons….I am primarily a pve player but i do enjoy wvwvw and spvp every once inawhile.

I have 2 questions,
1. I am looking at tarnished coast to transfer to, but at the moment it is one of 3 full servers. Is there any good time to look that I may have more luck of it not being full?

2. In the case I am not able to go to tarnished coast what is another good(primarily pve) server? I have no clue what other servers are focused on so asking for advice in this respect….I know I only have until the 28th so I would like to get my server transfer done with…

Thanks in advance!

Problems freezing/crashing on startup

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: BurningThunder.3097


I haven’t played this in like a month. I let it update last night which took an hour or two since I haven’t been on in so long. I get on today to play, login and it brings up a black screen with guild wars 2 flashing at the top like it was loading ,but after a few min it just sits there and I have to ctrl+alt+delete it……everytime i try to open it again it sits at downloading 0kb and doesn’t even get to login screen so I cannot even get in the game. When I restart computer it gets back to login screen but then the same events happen again.

Anyone know whats wrong? A month ago it ran with zero issues and I haven’t made any other changes to my computer.