Showing Posts For Bush Elephant.5082:
Thankyou for the replies, i will be sure to use that feature to report future botters.
Im going to go report them now, pretty sure they will still be in the same spot…
Edit: yep, still there!
Seeing as there is no option to report bots in game (or nothing specific to it) i figured i’d just post this here. Apologies if this is not the right spot.
Sea of Sorrows is quickly being overrun by botters in starting zones, especially the human area’s. Teleporting to nodes, camping and zerging events as they happen etc etc.
The largest problem is the events though, they target and kill mobs be4 u get a chance to set up/get some damage in which makes it tough on everyone else who are waiting for spawns to complete their quests and pay to play legitimately.
All those featured in this screenshot are botters (confirmed over a period of time), who have been camping this particular event/quest and teleport all over the place to kill mobs before others can get to them. Alot of people around are forced to either spend hours trying to complete their quests or skip them entirely and hope to come back another day.
Anet please do something about this its getting rediculous.