Showing Posts For Buzz.2840:
Yes, I am saying I have made over 200g purely on the trading post without any type of exploit.
I was able to take advantage of the early launch of the trading post when there was large margins to be made on crafting materials.
I also made a very large amount of gold by making Superior Runes of the Ranger before the recipe was changed to need a lodestone. I literally made thousands of runes. I have since moved to other commodities on the market that I flip.
The key is to research the market and find items that you can make a profit on. Some items are good for a few hours and then they are not. The market is always changing.
On a different subject though I am trying to figure out what happened to a few items over the past 2 days. I have seen the market crash on some things. One in particular was selling for over 12s during the weekend and in less then 24 hours it dropped to just barely over 8s. I have my suspicions but I hope I am wrong.
Nice link. For me though I have set up my spread sheets to do the work for me so I can track multiple things.
But I agree 100% with your comment about the economy being destroyed by people under cutting at a loss. The only solace is that eventually the people that do it will not have any gold left to screw with the market.
I read all of the posts here that cry and complain about the market of GW2. It is not rocket science. I have easily made over 200g on the trading post since launch. I have only paid $20 for gems initially and that was to purchase the extra bag slots and xp boosts. I have since picked up 8k gems from gold, not to mention crafted full exotic etc. All of this from doing nothing more than playing the markets. Heck all of my friends and guild members give me a hard time because that I basically all that I do is work the Trading Post.
Ok, so I have read the numerous posts of people complaining about the transaction fee when you sell an item on the trading post. So here is a little tip.
When you post an item for sale on the trading post, 5% will be deducted from your current gold to pay for a “listing fee”. When the item sells, the amount that you are able to collect is 90% of what was listed. So there is an additional 10% transaction fee when the item is sold.
What you need to do is open up your calculator in windows. Enter the price that you are selling the item for and multiply it by .85. The result will be what you will actually get for the item after you sell an item on the Trading Post.
I have spent many hours working the trading post in GW2. I laugh every time I see people literally destroying their coin in game.
Classic example:
20 Slot Hardened Leather Pack listed for 11g.
Superior Rune of Holding cost is 10g.
20 Hardened Leather Sections cost 7s4c.
Total cost to create 10g7s4c.
Listing fee 55s
Transaction fee 1g10s
Total profit (72s4c)
That’s right, when this guy sells his bag he will lose 72s4c.
This post is not intended to be a complaint about the trading post. The intent is to help educate the player base. If you take the time to check the margins you can make profit from the trading post.
Guild Wars 2 ?@GuildWars2
We are aware that the trading post is playing up a little and we are looking into it, thank you for your patience at this time ^ATon their twitter
I think the Black Lion Trading Company should be banned for exploiting the market and taking players money.
I have had about 13g disappear from my account while on the TP. I was trying to place buy orders and nothing would happen when I hit the button. A few seconds later the gold would be gone from my account but no buy orders are showing on the TP.
I am REALLY hoping that the transaction was saved somewhere.