Showing Posts For Buzzkill.9608:

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Everybody knows what a mage is:

A being that wears cloth, carries 2 knives and fights in melee range.
Like Gandalf or Doctor Strange…oh wait.

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


No problem where with my Elementalist. I find myself doing quite well when supported in groups. I do have a hard time 1v1 some classes, but then again, I put myself into a 1v1 situation in group PvP, which should not happen.

I see people mainly crying about 1v1. I have news for people. Elementalist is a group PvP class. Your built to support group play. If your 1v1 everyone you maybe need to pick a different class. Balance in a MMO should never be on 1v1 situation.

If your not doing well, you need to check 3 things.
1. Are you feating traits for abilities or for stats. If your doing it for the latter you are kittening yourself.
2. Do you actually have a rotation for situations are just spamming abilities? Just spamming your highest DPS casts while not bothering to debuff or CC anyone is usually a good way to contribute absolutely nothing to your team.
3. Are you using your AoE buffs/heals for yourself or your team? If your playing selfishly and not bothering to use any of the group utility which is inherit of the class your disregarding 50% of your role in PvP.

If your not for team play I do not think this is the class for you. If you enjoy doing good dps (not exteme) and like a kiting/supporting in PvP, this class is extemely fun.

Find me a single quote from the developers of this game which states that Elementalist is a support class.
The vision set forth by the developers is clear. Any class can play any role.
That is stated by the developers over and over again.
“We want you to be able to play what you want, when you want and however you want to play. Any class can tank and any class can be a damage dealer”.
You have taken the broken limitations of this class and in your own imagination you have decided that because this class is currently only good for support it must therefore be a support class.
If Anet made an official announcement saying that they have decided that elementalists were going to serve a support role in the future the majority of players would drop this class like a bad habit.
Just because you found a way to make the class work for you does not mean it is functioning as intended.
Go here…..
and watch the combat video (3rd one down on the left hand side).

Your idea of a mage

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Someone else did this and it’s brilliant.
Here is Anet’s own description of the Elementalist profession:

Elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack.

If you believe your ele fits this definition you are delusional.

Who are happy with their elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


I believe it is possible that there are some people that really think that smacking the keys like a concert pianist just to stay alive is fun.
I believe that there are really some folks who think that their eles are doing “atomic damage”.
I also believe that those people are exceptions.
Elementalist is the coolest flashiest class in this game imo.
It’s also terribly mediocre.

What would it take to convince you ele is good?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Bugfixes and time, that’s all. I’m already convinced ele can do amazing things, I’m just curious how everyone stacks up in an environment where everything is working as written.

Agreed and we should have known that the day the game was released and I payed for it.

What would it take to convince you ele is good?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


My ele rocks but that’s not the point.
The point is that the class is broken and needs to be fixed.
Statements that a broken class are fine are stupid and lessen pressure on Anet to fix the class not to mention defying logic.
Eles can be good if you work harder than you should have to and do more than you should have to.
You shouldn’t have to.

What would it take to convince you ele is good?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Oh oh oh I know, duel me and I’ll show you how underpowered my Ele is

Another special olympics MMA champion heard from.

Lol just because you suck that doesn’t make me a “special olympics MMA champion” trash cans will always stay a trash can

Trash cans always say that trash can and that would be you.

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


I’m hoping this is a constructive thread but is there a corresponding thread where Anet actually acknowledges these issues and posts progress on resolutions?

Are you sure elementalist is really fine?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


How is there a debate about this?
The class is broken period.
When the class is fixed ie when the abilities perform as described by mousing over the abilities an intelligent discussion about the class take place.
Anet, edit the descriptions or make the abilities performed as described.
A build is like a recipe. The recipe turns out better when the ingredients are properly labelled.
This forum is full of kittened eles talking smack about their workarounds.
People bragging about how they managed to drive across the country on a flat tire.
LOL, seriously?

(edited by Buzzkill.9608)

Please fix staff Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Just fix it Anet.
Just fix it.

What would it take to convince you ele is good?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


Oh oh oh I know, duel me and I’ll show you how underpowered my Ele is

Another special olympics MMA champion heard from.

What would it take to convince you ele is good?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Buzzkill.9608


If the abilities and their timers simply matched their descriptions I would consider it a massive improvement.
If it says it will crit 5 times then make it crit 5 times. How hard is that?

(edited by Buzzkill.9608)