I was happy to finally have found a game where the treadmill for gear was nonexistant.
Don’t care if its armor, weapon, or rings. I was lied to. I was told that there wasn’t going to be a gear treadmill. That the exotics that I got would last me forever. That just the skins would change.
Spent all this time getting the look I wanted. I don’t do dungeons. This essentially kills the game for me. Not to mention completely unfriendly NA times for one time events. And all the asdsa, kfdss, adasw, people running around (I allude to that without talking about it since a ban would be unfortunate).
The lack of an official reply or more information means a bunker mentalility, and before I waste a minute more of my time, that before 3 months are out the promises are broken, its time for me to leave.
So this is my goodbye.