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In GW1 all classes could use any weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Mobs did not treat a character differently just because of the weapon they used, total bullkitten.

You’d be amazed by how many people didn’t use basic strategies like 40/40 resto sets on PwK necromancers, spears to trigger MoP or staffs for high energy. These were, in no way, a regular part of the game – of course if you likely were a complete kitten that avoided playing with others at extreme costs, I could understand your ignorance to that. It’s in the same boat as how most players in GW2 don’t really know dodges or reflects.

For example this:

Mobs in GW1 did treat caster and martial weapons differently, such as not casting extreme caster hate like Panic on spear/shield casters. That’s the fundamental part of the “afk Glint farm build” and such. And, Totem axes before Nightfall.

Oh yes, I played with many people. With many randoms looking for elite areas when no guild team was available.
So what? It was pretty fundamental to play with many weapon sets. E.g. a monk in pvp had a def set with all shields in inventory to swap them, a 40/40 set, high-energy set, low energy set and another staff for fast cast/20%ench for channeling.
This might be a bit more extreme than in PvE but still you had a lot of different sets for your classes.

Of course you could have played the game for the story, art or to have just some fun. Then you might not have heard of different mob types behaving differently.
Even a sword for a def set was favoured over a spear in e.g. DoA.

It’s all the little details that make a game like this so interesting. So many things to learn.

In GW1 all classes could use any weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Okay. Most things have been talked about already, but:

Yes, but GW1 was also a mess of skills where your weapon actually mattered really little. So the comparison is pointless at best.

Yes you could but it wasn’t effective thereby making it pointless.

A choice is only a choice if it has an equal chance of being selected. Guild wars 1 was jacked pack of worthless choices, just like the weapons. Yes you could equip all of them but they were no effective and nobody would choose or equipment it, if it did not work with their class.

Your weapon choice was very important. In PvP and PvE it made a huge difference and was mandatory in pretty much every not fun build.
Pvp stuff was explained.

But mechanics changed depending on the items.

For example some mobs treated you with different behaviour because your assasin (perma sf – tank) was wearing a sword and not a spear.
Or you would get different hexes depending on your weapon, that was the difference of a fail run or running a new speed run.

I don’t know about you, but my teams often revolved around thinking outside of the box. Caster teams utilizing staffs for high energy (when needed – such as a minion master necromancer or an illusion elementalist), spear/focus for energy management and MoP triggers and the standard 40/40 resto set for any Necromancer that used PwK on a regular basis.

Thinking outside the box? This was standard just like everyone knows that in GW2 events scale with more people.

(In GW1 I don’t believe a scepter could have +5 en, 20% longer enchants.)

It couldn’t, you are right.

What has/will change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Well we got 42 content upgrades. Some were super great (SAB, the first Halloween, etc), the majority was nice and some were lacking/boring. The majority were temporary, other improved existing content, some added some stuff like a new dungeon and the hardest world boss.

Don’t know for everybody but i’m doing solo dungeon, speed run, WvW raids, team PvP matches, and I just completed my 6th legendary.

I loved SAB. The first time I had really fun to play, no to-do-list that I had to finish, no grinding for an ascending item and the work was done perfectly, small hidden areas, funny foes… And it was the first challenging part I encountered throughout my GW2 time. Everyone I know loved to do those, lots of fun moments there..

So basically the same as 1,5years back.
I am gonna check out what the new expansion will be about.

What has/will change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


I mean. If you’re looking for something like “Oh they totally changed how you level!” or “They’ve made the game open PvP now!” then you will be disappointed.

I was never hoping for something new like that. Maybe for a complete change of gameplay to be more difficult through more variations (never expect that to happen, but hopes die last)

It’s still GW2 but with more stuff, like any MMO in the history of MMOs.

I had to laugh and be sad about it at the same time while reading this.
Yes, it’s pretty epic for a MMO, it has its flaws, but every game has.
It reminded me on how much it is not like GW. But that is another topic.

The expansion coming out is adding a new area, new weapons, new class, gliding ability, guild halls, new WvW game type/map, etc.

So there you go. Use this information how you see fit.

That seems to be nice stuff is coming. Thanks for the answers so far and the info.

What has/will change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Grawl boss? Really? Grawl boss (final fight) 40+ is brutal when the elementals spawn and you have an uncoordinated team. People wipe there constantly because of poor positioning and poor use of reflects. Like no joke, try it some time with a team of people that don’t know what they are doing.

The boss itself isn’t difficult, it’s the sheer number of elementals that spawn when he throws his shields up where people tend to fail. You need to get that shield off the boss before he gets to a hostage (since he heals if he reaches one) all while trying to mitigate like 20 elementals doing a bunch of ranged damage and cripples. People fail often on this fight at high levels.

At low levels the elementals don’t do much damage and you can sort of just take the damage while working on boss. Not so much at high levels.

It is hard if you have group that doesn’t know what to do, but how did they get to that fractal lvl, I wonder. And that is one example, one where coordination is needed for apropiate times. But what about the rest? Is there coordination needed as well?
What is with the other bosses/fractals? There have been a few new ones I think. What is outside of fotm?
This seems to get more interesting.

It all depends on group comp as well. Granted a team doing 40 will have a somewhat optimal group but having an optimal set up in the higher tiers speeds things up immensely. Ive done runs at 50 that have taken 30 minutes and runs at lvl6 that have taken 2 hours. It all depends on the people you have, if they know what to do and what not.

Basically what were my impressions, that I remember.

What has/will change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Coming back to the main topic. Nothing has changed? After 2,5 years, really? (yes there is fotm)

What are you guys doing then? I mean I love grinding. It’s fun for me to farm for ‘that’ item or be tested by hard/challenging areas. But I did all of that or failed it.

It would make me sad to say no to the friend that asked me.

What has/will change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Accidentally deleted all of what I just wrote.., so a short answer then.

If you only look at precursor drops to measure the rewards in this game you’ll be sad. Just like ppl that cry about not getting any precursor drop are sad. That’s a nice thing when it happen, but nobody should expect to drop a precursor, that’s one of the rarest drop in the game.

Yes the trading post is still the best way to make crazy amount of money if you know how to use it.

Yes, they are the rarest items but they should be able to obtain and it should feel rewarding not by putting 10k rares into the mystic forge. That doesn’t feel exciting nor will you feel any happier about getting one.
What I mean is that the game didn’t feel rewarding for me, most of the time I got 2Blues and a green for chests. That’s just a joke, no one wants those.

Very incorrect. For example, I can tell you FoTM50 Uncategorized fractal requires proper coordination, otherwise a 20min fractal turns into a 80min fractal.

In fact, most of the upper fractals will require coordination on some level beyond zerg tactics. Not that there aren’t areas that have zerg tactics, but a level 1 Grawl fractal compared to a level 40 Grawl fractal will definitely test your team’s coordination.

Never done 50 fotm, but at the highest level I played ( don’t know what that was, 40?) you may have wiped here and there but it wasn’t because we needed more teamplay/coordination, more likely because of the lack of timing some skills or bad timing because someone accidentally engaged a new group.
The poor use of skills of the foes (mostly auto attacks) and not being able to interact with other people directly is what I would blame for the poor teamplay I noticed while playing. You can’t heal/shield/boon/remove others directly.
The difference between good and bad groups were that the good ones had 25 might & other boons up all the time.

And where do you need teamplay to kill the grawl boss? Basically you could do it alone. It would take a much longer time though. Of course with a good group you can kill him pretty fast compared to a not so well organized one, but apart from that?

What has/will change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


If that’s why you stopped playing gw2 then you shouldn’t get back because that’s how the game is, that’s not an issue waiting for a fix.

As for difficulty, the game was always build for casual. Everything can be done with anything. The difficulty must come from you. Solo dungeon, speed runs, WvW raid, team PvP, etc. If you just take the content and play it normally, you will never get that challenging content because it made so that anyone can complete it in one way or the other.

I have just seen a thread where people were posting their hours and the amount of pres they got. Pretty entertaining: Many people with 5-10k hours and zero drops, I wonder why they actually drop after all…

Had been doing lots of dungeons before I quit, I can’t say they were speed! runs but most pugs were slow to me.
Solo/duo dungeons seems to have no point to me, but have spend some time with it as well.

I came back 2 months ago, after not playing since release. There’s new stuff to do. Fractals are hard.

I played lots of fractals and they were pretty easy to me, even though I don’t know what the max frac is right now. But I got pretty annoyed by the new resistances that you needed / everyone wanted you to have. The higher levels didn’t require more teamplay or coordination.

And another question came to my mind. Is the trading post still the only way to get lots of money?
I am not really interested in playing stock exchange to get some money.

What has/will change?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


I don’t know if it’s the right sub forum..
But I was asked by a friend to come back and play GW2 again. So I would like to know if they added new stuff to do, possibly more rewarding as well? Or is it still 2 Blues and 1 Green? (precursor drops were like I don’t know 10^(-7) or so.)

I am not interested in story, but in gameplay changes and hard areas/dungeons, where teamplay is the only way to advance. Was anything like this added or may with the new content coming?

Thanks in advance.

lf people/guild for records/experimenting

in Guilds

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Hi Daelwyn and CGUdemon,
thanks for your invitations, but I am not interested in killing a l l foes in a dungeon nor I am interested in having people play whatever they want…
The rest sounds pretty good, but I think it’s not quite the right thing, I am looking for people who want to maximize the speed / game to its furthest.
And the problem with servers is that I am on EU right now, which means I can’t just check you guys out


lf people/guild for records/experimenting

in Guilds

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Wow, that sounds pretty good, I really would like to check out your guild.
But you are on US server, which would mean that I need to change my server immediately without knowing how it will be…and leaving all the people I know so far…

That’s really sad, but maybe I am still gonna come back to this offer, thanks so far

lf people/guild for records/experimenting

in Guilds

Posted by: CCLilly.2139



I am looking for people/ a group / guild that is interested in doing records, crazy stuff and loves to experimente with the way to play this game.

Including funny Team compositions / using terrain / builds and so on … e.g.: not just 1xMes and 4x War is always the best, well it maybe is, but let’s try it out?

The focus should be on PvE / Dungeons / Fractals, but WvW and PvP is pretty much alright as well.

I am not gonna be changing server immediately, maybe I will later on, but the idea is to find people to play with not a guild for influence farming or so.

About Me:
- I am at GMT+1 on [Drakkar-Lake] and 20 years old
- Want to learn a lot about this game
- Speak German / English – mainly fluently
- I got an Ele – love this char, really – and the other chars are pretty much never played (Mesmer ~30, Guard/ Thief ~20), of course if it will be needed for something I am gonna level other chars up

Contact me Ingame (“Ceciline”) or here in the forum.

PS: I like the idea of nothing is impossible

I can't understand you, Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Yeah the thing I dont understand about this is when another mmo player complains about “no endgame” they are flamed and told thats not what gw is about. They say endgame is about exploring, crafting, blah blah blah. So my question is then why do you care about this gear change? All your exploring is still there. Crafting isnt changing. Map completion wont include this dungeon. No one can inspect you to see you dont have ascended gear.

I think the problem is a lot deeper than just: “There is no endgame” or “There is an endgame”.

It’s quite interesting, because I would be someone telling that the game is not about endgame.
Back when I was playing GW1 it really felt like that. You were able to achieve level 20 (max level) in a day, without pushing anything to hard, just relaxed playing. So basically the whole game was about the endgame. You could just do lots and lots of different things everything was summarised in titles, which were a lot harder to achieve than those ones right now.
So what I am talking about is:
There is not enough to do in pve, right now, that’s a fact for me. And I understand your feeling about

They say endgame is about exploring, crafting, blah blah blah.

For me it feels like the game should be able to catch all the people and so they tried, mixed and invented a lot, but the ideas behind titles are not same as GW1, not even close. Right now it doesn’t feel like you achieve something by doing achievements or titles – either they are so easy to do that it could just be normal achievments or they are just so hard that I wouldn’t even try to do them (thinking about WvW and SPvP – not even able to show ranks, why? ).
And even if someone would be able to achieve those. You can’t see them at all, just some small, really really small greyish letters that no one can see and no one cares about. Me neither. So I never got the feeling like: ’ Yay, I achieved something! ’

That’s something that makes me sick. I just don’t feel rewarded at all.

The only thing that you can eventually see from a different character is the armor and maybe their weapons, so the game says: ‘I don’t care about titles/achievements, just about armor and weapons’ – Welcome to the thinking of stats…

PvE Is boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Thereon. Its kinda odd that most of the players “defending” the system is heavy armor. warriors or guardians. the rest has to struggle even with different build. No matter what build i have i cannot run solo in cursed shore to farm nodes or whatever. i will get killed in matter of seconds. warriors and guardians are an easy class and it seems like they build the game around those 2 classes. (very very loose said, so dont put to much meaning into it, but at times seems like this)

I agree on the feeling that its build around warriors and guardians. It’s just such a h u g e difference between close combat weapons and ranged weapons…

I have to admit that my main is an Ele and my second is a Mes, but in Cursed Shore I run around without difficulties. You can ask how?
Well I try to avoid every hit using lots of speedboost and dodge all the time… and then I see some Orichalcum / trees or whatever and what do I do?
I run past the point and wait for the mobs to retreat. Then I can run back (while next to them) and farm that tree / mithril spot. That aggro mechanism feels really unnatural.

I mean it’s a game in which you have to beat up lots of mobs, but most of the time I try to avoid them. Something is not right here.

And back to your post… In dungeons I don’t run any damage, because I don’t feel like doing any damage at all (just thinking about a guardian who rages at me because he has a scepter for ranged and he does no damage – same damage for me at all weapons)
I normally run a support build with lots of CC and heal.. what else?

Jumping Puzzle only once per day? (account wide)

in WvW

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


and yes, you simply got the reset time wrong. its every 24 hr for each char.

Okay, I’ll check it out a few times more, but it really didn’t feel right.

Thanks for your help

And to swilkers and BabelFish please post your comment in the right thread. There is (at least) one for the discussion of the jumping puzzle.

Jumping Puzzle only once per day? (account wide)

in WvW

Posted by: CCLilly.2139



In the last days I was doing the jumping puzzle in the eternal battleground(and I had the same issue on the borderlands) and I wondered why I couldn’t open the chest with more than one character per day.
Last week I opened it with 3 characters per day…

So my question is: Is it some bug / I get the reset time wrong or is it now account wide and not character bound?

I asked a guildy and he had the same problem…

How to finish the Clock Tower in 2 easy steps

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Can someone tell where the additional chests are? I only know about the one at the top where you get the achievement

I can sort of understand missing chest #2, but #1 and #3 are right in the middle of the way. You land right on top of of #3 when you jump down from the beam.


I have seen this vid just now,
That could help you for the chest searching

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: CCLilly.2139


Human, Mesmer
Asura, Guardian
Sylvari, Necro
Human, Thief
Human, Ele

No buffs

And I did it lots of times to get some ToT Bags (it seems that the amount various from 7 – 10 ).