Showing Posts For CJTheKilla.1054:

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


When you ban half of your pvp scene and wonder why it’s dying out

Good bait, but needs more salt.

Wasn’t bait. Was the truth. Legit banned the NA pvp scene so now what high tier gameplay are we gonna watch?
NA pvp scene is officially non-existant now ezpz

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


When you ban half of your pvp scene and wonder why it’s dying out

Mesmers one shotting people

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


The fact that you’re complaining about this is hilarious. There is so much stuff to prevent it from happening that really the only way to one shot someone is if they’re unaware of your presence. Against actually good players shatter Mesmer gets deleted (cough buff cough) and farmed throughout the game and is why condi aids arose. There are plenty of other builds that have just as much potential to one shot you as a Mesmer can. You could literally get “one shot” by an engi because its just the build that theyre running. The builds been around for years and you’re crying about it now like anyone would care. This is a learn to play issue, because you shouldn’t need to come to the forums complaining about a build that’s been out for years and is easily focused and outplayed.

*insert dev trap here*

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


So…in other words, you’re upset because you think that you’re so special and that you deserve more than everyone else and it’s just not fair.
Look, queue times for upper ranks need to be addressed, but the rest is just pathetic, entitled whining.

You are the one that played to get to the number one spot, so if you don’t like the lack of tangible reward, then maybe you should have just done something else with your life instead of wasting so much time playing a game you obviously don’t enjoy to achieve something you don’t care about.

I mean, I would be impressed at your PvP prowess if not for how obviously foolish you are to waste your life and for how much of an entitled prick you are by the way you’re acting here.

Seriously, uninstall the game, take a vacation, and get some perspective on what you’re doing with the limited time you have on this earth. Life is too short.

What is the point in progressing through their “league” if you don’t get any incentive from it. What is even the point in having the league in the first place? I’m afk in hotm more than I’m ever actually playing this game because it seems to take 45m just to match me against the same people, with the same people on my team, with the same match outcome.
Anet wants this game to become an ‘E-Sport’ but from the looks of it, theyre trying to get rid of their players. There is no gain from pvp’ing in the slightest, so why waste time in pvp at all. You might as well remove pvp. Then if you’re not going to take suggestions to make your PvP better for all, then why even have pvp devs.
I’m trying to address issues that people who still want to play the game have so that maybe a dev will actually take time to address them. But ya know, ill just afk in hotm havning the time of my life until that happens

*insert dev trap here*

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


I remember times when simply being a number in a ladder was enough.

Nowadays its all about “gimmegimmegimmegimmegimme”.

Btw… anet tried to get more players into pvp not so long ago… you remember? Legendary backpiece precursor?
Did we get more competition? Uhm, nope. We got an influx of really really bad players treating pvp as pve and trying to grind the living hell out of it. Some of them even make it to legendary. Remember complaining about that?

You cant have it all.

Go play unranked if you want short queues. Or make a custom arena and invite good players for scrimms/private tournaments. Start being creative instead of just making useless forum posts how you feel like you should get more and more and more for playing the game.

That’s the problem. Anet’s system is so bad that you still have to wait 20m for an unranked queue pop. And there are people who do host inhouses but theres no actual fun to it. Its literally people trying so hard when its just supposed to be matches for fun. Tournaments are already being held so why do I need to waste time making a private one. And you should get “more and more and more for playing the game”, its how you attract publicity and keep the interest level in the game high. But if anet cant take help from its own community when we’re just trying to make it better for others, whats the point in having a “forums” .

*insert dev trap here*

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


I’m just trying to get my daily 3 games but I cant if I have to sit in long ques like these. Seriously you need to take suggestions from your PLAYERBASE that is already dwindling down.


*insert dev trap here*

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


tbh your rewards for guild leaderboard are absolute trash as well. Like who is going to say “OOOOHHHH 5g and and some WOODEN PLANKS! WHAT I ALWAYS WANTED/NEEDED” like pvp players are broke. The least you could do is give us gem codes so that we may convert to a substantial amount of gold. No-one is going to go all Ga-Ga over 5g and planks that sell for 20s altogether..

*insert dev trap here*

in PvP

Posted by: CJTheKilla.1054


I’m actually quite confused anet. I’m currently #1 on Legendary Leaderboard for NA and there’s like no point. There is absolutely no point in being #1 because you guys don’t even give us a reward. It basically makes us look like no lifes who play your game by being #1. I have 403 games won with 40 losses. It’s real discouraging to continue pvp’ing and to be honest, playing your game, when there’s no gain from it. What am I supposed to do? Have bragging rights? Oh yeah because everyone knows that division = skill. A person not known in the pvp scene can climb the leaderboards just by putting on the MMR favored team when they have absolutely no player skill. Your pvp is absolutely boring with nothing new/fun being implemented to it. If I’m supposed to no life my way up your league and not receive any sort of gain from doing so, what is the point in even continuing to play pvp. And while I’m at this league stuff, how about these queue times huh? Its real satisfying to keep doing ranked, and even unranked, when you have to sit through 30m to 2hr queues just for a match that lasts for 5m and is usually a 500-0. I have yet to have one fun match this season, because they’re always blowouts. Top tier players fighting people who barely understand their classes role on a team. I’ve went on a car trip to Kroger, stopped for gas and Wendy’s and came back only to still be in a queue. Something is wrong here anet… I mean a suitable reward for being #1 might be a free legendary/precursor, 5k gems, something of that nature. Quite frankly no one cares too much about titles and would only cause even more rage from people who spend a lot of time waiting in queues, sitting in hotm more than they are actually ever in a match.