Showing Posts For Cadmus Ray.8631:

higher level fractals

in Guardian

Posted by: Cadmus Ray.8631

Cadmus Ray.8631

What weapons are u using?

Some tips:

if against ranged mobs, shield5 is really really good right now for absorbing hits. Trait it to get reduced cooldown. This + spirit weapon shield and wall of reflection makes u near invulnerable against ranged.

if u specced dragon hunter, your F3 active is also very handy in blocking frontal attacks to buy you a few precious seconds until u get enough energy to dodge heal or activate ur healskill. Shelter is really good all around for blocking predictable damage, but the heal amount is pretty low compared to purification. Purification is better suited for PVP due to the daze and added utility of being able to trigger it.

Mace 3, and focus5 are also very handy blocks with good spike potential.

as far as PVE stats go, throw in a little toughness and vitality to make u a little tougher until u get comfortable going back to zerker/marauders. personally, PVE wise, i prefer going condi because burning is really really good atm. You can splurge on vit if you are going condi.

tldr apart from our blinds, well-timed blocks and invulnerability and reflects make max HP not as important.

(edited by Cadmus Ray.8631)