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Dungeon Patch Discussion 2/26

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Caeluma.8724


Last night I finally got past Kholer, but I had to give up because spending hours trying to figure out how to fight silver mobs is not my idea of fun.

I have a feeling that Anet is upping the ante to keep the player base interested. Here’s hoping their snap decisions do not backfire. I hope they can keep the hardcore gamers happy for some time, because I know a lot of casual gamers like me who are left frustrated by anti-fun dungeons.

As for Mr. Hrouda dodging questions, there’s not much we can do about that. I am starting to think that he is out on the front lines to mitigate damages, hence the non-answers we’re getting.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 2/26

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Caeluma.8724


Thanks for responding, Rob. I sincerely appreciate it.

That said, can’t help but quote the following for people who follow my line of thought:

One thing we see frequently with at-level people going into dungeons, is that while their character is the right level, their gear is often 10+ levels behind them. When you combine a low average gear level, not having all your skills/tools available, and not being as experienced with the class, it’s going to be significantly more difficult than what an 80 makes it look like.

I have a problem understanding what you meant by “low average gear”. My 80 ele was in full exos. And my friends were in random greens and rares of appropriate levels. But to give you a hint of how gamers like me think at this level, here it is:

To sum it all up, all these changes I’m sure will be fine after time is devoted to learning all the changes and compensating for all the knockdowns. The problem is, that a beginner dungeon with unimpressive items for tokens, I don’t plan on devoting that kind of time to AC. Its main purpose for most of my guild was to introduce new members to their first explorable dungeon (I really don’t suggest AC anymore), and to level up low levels which seems impossible if they’re not geared up expensively, and why bother when you have to change their armor in 5 levels anyway, or you know how to play them to the best of their abilities, because lets be honest, who knows that much about a level 35 character?

If new gamers are to spend time gearing up for a lvl 35 dungeon, trust me they will have to spend more hours into the game before they can afford rares at lvl 35 (unless of course they resort to buying gems to get gold). There is no way anyone (new gamer, that is) could get enough gold for a full set of rares at lvl 35 (last I looked, the median price for each piece was 33 silver 88 copper to be exact), and you have to admit heart vendors at this point are not much help.

Which brings us back to the question: Is AC Explorable still doable with a group of 35s?

You probably get the drift by now.



PS: Last night left a bad taste in my mouth, but hey, I am going to give it another try today.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 2/26

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Caeluma.8724


Hi Rob,

There is a question in this thread that you didn’t answer. Let me reiterate it for your convenience: Is AC Explorable still doable with a group of 35s?

I am not an elitist who spends 8+ hours gaming in one sitting. To give you an idea of the demographic group I belong in, I am a casual gamer who spends 2 to 3 hours if I ever feel like playing. (This is my third MMO – the other 2 you’ll prolly guess right). I invited 2 rl friends tonight to AC (we’re all nubs – I was using my 80 Ele and they’re a little over the minimum lvl required, PUGed the rest), and even after reading the forums we still wiped a lot of times. Never finished P1. Wasted 3 hours on an unfinished dungeon.

We’re all like, “Who thought this was a good idea?” (You don’t need to answer that.)



(edited by Caeluma.8724)