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After taking a month off, came back to these FPS issues (4-12 FPS) that weren’t there previously. Tried everything including lowest settings, -repair, -nosound, new video drivers, etc…to have no change at all to the framerate. Other highly demanding games play just fine.
Did notice the only time the framerate went up was directly facing a portal with a gain of about 15-20. Pan the camera 180 degrees and back to unplayable.
The other thing I found, and don’t know if it’s some of the problem, is my latency to the GuildWars servers:
Image Remote Address Packet Loss Latency
Gw2.exe 0 220
Gw2.exe 0 220
Gw2.exe 0 60
The servers are supposedly in Dallas, and I’m only 200 miles away from Dallas, but the latency is around what the oceanic players are reporting. Speedtest gives me an average ping of 20ms to Dallas.
Any guess is worth a shot after the ridiculous fix for “0×082243′: Failed to resolve AimIK bone indices” crashes which was set the speakers to the actual speakers and not “default”.