Showing Posts For Caliday.7451:
Isaac Caliday, guardian
Originally went with something more ‘fantasy-like’ for the first name (by which I mean I mashed on my keys randomly until the letters arranged themselves in a way I liked), but eventually switched to ‘Isaac’ as it fits Tyria’s lore better. Not sure where Caliday came from, but most likely has a similar origin to his old first name.
I’m no expert, but a good place to start would probably be either Knight’s gear (Tough/Prec/Power) or Soldier’s gear (Power/Tough/Vit).
Knight’s can be crafted and thus is generally available easily and its emphasis on toughness means you mitigate a lot of damage easily and its precision and power specs mean you’ll do more damage through increased crits.
Soldier’s gear is a little harder to come by (being either high end karma or dungeon gear for exotics as far as I know. I know Vigil has a rare set though), but is considered one of the most useful sets since it has a balanced set of stats that maximize defense, survivability, and offense. Unfortunately, you will probably have to work a little harder to get your hands on this set, especially if you care about exotics.
For your build, I think Soldier armor is the better set, but I’ll defer to the opinions of better players if they disagree with me.