Showing Posts For Calill.3207:

Claw of Jormag not spawning.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calill.3207


As the title says Claw didn’t spawn checked on 2 different maps, completed all pre-events. Unsure of how long its been this way but he probably skipped his previous spawn too because icy runestones weren’t purchasable from Rohan (required boss kill to access vendor) on any different map I got onto.

WvW and the Heart of Thorns Release

in WvW

Posted by: Calill.3207


Adding in my +1 to “What is the point of this change” as it currently makes no sense and is completely unnecessary.

World Population Changes Are Coming

in WvW

Posted by: Calill.3207


With the changes completely locking down T1 this will be a slow death sentence for OCX WvW and to a lesser extent SEA.

I currently belong to a smaller (10-15 people per night) oceanic guild in T1 we have been recruiting for months and the growth is extremely slow although steady, the catch is the majority of our recruits are either new players or returning players coming from lower tier servers because their exists little to no oceanic population T1.
The reason that most (90%) of oceanic guilds gather on T1 is that there simply isn’t enough of a oceanic population left in WvW to be spread out among many servers while also providing an engaging WvW experience.

Without new people coming in or moving up retention will slowly kill off our guild and I have no doubt the same effect is happening to other OCX guilds too as they too have been shrinking over the past few months as the only way to recruit now is hope that older players on your own server return.

As of this new system I could not recommend to any of my friends who stopped playing to come back as I couldn’t even WvW against them let alone along side them, the same situation exists within SEA but the player base in a decent portion larger so the retention will be slower.

The Battle of Claw Island - Incompletable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Calill.3207


I have attempted to complete this part of the story on my level 50 necromancer 3 times today all got stuck at the exact same area.
It happens just after the cutscene of the dragon appearing and smashing the wall, the npcs then call for a retreat but the objectives don’t update.

The following screenshot is the result of my 3rd attempt to complete it, and just leaving the game open for 20 minutes.
