Showing Posts For Calisto Dragonblade.2756:
Server: Eredon Terrace
Because Claw of Jormag doesn’t have a fail or end mechanism, groups are endlessly grief farming the mobs without actually killing the dragon. This makes for a very unpleasant experience when you just want to do the event. The farmers will just sit back and laugh at you when you ask for assistance to do the event properly.
Even though the merchant has been removed from the area during the event, this still does not stop them.
There needs to be an end mechanism or timer introduced to the event to stop these farmers ruining it for everyone else who’d like finish and get the karma/reward/chest.
Character Name: Elisel Bhetheir
Accompanying Character in Story: Xavier Blackthorn
Story: Battle For Fort Trinity
Skip: Both of us were on the storyline with Apatia. After BoFT, we were both put on the storyline to find Tonn’s widow.
Bug occured 2/10 at 9.15pm GMT+13
I am having these exact same problems currently.
World is Sea of Sorrows.
Heart: “Partake in the Moot”
Area: Timberline Falls
Can only do certain things to advance the Heart (raise a toast, eat meat, talk to scholars). Cannot eat mystery meat, drink ale or rouse drunken patrons.
Heart: Help the Priory's excavation in the Timberline Falls zone is bugged.
Posted by: Calisto Dragonblade.2756
I concur. Attempting to do both this quest and event and neither are working.