(edited by Calvary.2946)
Showing Posts For Calvary.2946:
Totally agreed with you. The Holy Trinity of mmos is essential.
I thought this new system of Guild Wars 2 was better but everyone wants to be dps in dungeons. Thats why i got so many wipes on dungeons and this is really boring.
The Holy Trinity should back really.
Well my point was….anet said play what you want, you dont have to be a certain spec, but as it is now if you try to run a dugeon with four of your other cloth buddies guess how long it will take. Now you have to have a tanky type and a healy type is a big plus so in other words instead of running something…once again in another game you have to spend your time looking for a good mix. Well if that is the case why not just go back to playing WOW were you can have a true trinity. This is totally against what I thought GW2 was about.
Furthermore, I have finally found a profession I enjoy alot and now I am having a hard time getting grps (successful ones) together for a little 3 path run in AC.
But I have WvW against people who didnt have to spend time gearing up their toons like this. By the way I am on SOR server currently ranked 4th over-all sever, competition is close and fierce.
With the new changes to the way point system in dungeons, I guess you should go back on the orginal design of GW2 and introduce the tank, dps, and heal into this game. I thought the whole idea to the game in pve was to not have that. I thought we had a game that we could level a heavy armor toon that could do dps and not always have to tank.
As for those who argue for this bad move…The point is we want to log on run a few dugeons and log off, not spend all day looking for the right mix and lots of fails. Also, if you are going to do this then take all the gear away from the guys that didnt have to fight like this in dugeons. After all another point to gw2 was suppose to be gear isnt the mainstay. But now those of us leveling toons have to wvw with people already geared…
I have a good idea, Fire Robert Hrouda, and anyone else who comes in and changes the dynamics of this game. We have WOW if we wanted to play that style.
If this is the way it is gonna be give us the holy trinity of mmo, tank heal dps. Otherwise leave as it was.
When in WvW I am having trouble lately seeing enemies. It wasnt always like this. Many others are having touble as well according to map chat. Some say its due to “clipping” I dont know what that is or how to fix it. Please help as this has pretty much stopped me from a enjoying a major portion of the game.
So in other words we all dont like it but we arent willing to deal with a little aggrevation….but you think they are day after day willing to level to 10 just to have to do it all over again.
So i guess arenanet, dont worry about it, you good players are lazier then the spammers who cant get a real job…
I know I am not the only one that is being bombarded with gold farmers mail and text. Personally I do not care for this at all, I do not use nor do I support them being allowed to conduct business.
So, my suggestion is, why not make it where you have to be level 10 before you can use the mail system, or chat system. For that matter make so you cant do anything until level 10. It does not take long to reach level 10 if you are an honest player.
One more thing I would really like to see in game, dueling. That is how I test specs and gear make up. I would love to see it even if it is just in the mists. BTW great job guys.
(edited by Calvary.2946)