Showing Posts For CaptChaos.7946:

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: CaptChaos.7946


It appears that until free transfers are done, there will always be a super server far ahead of everyone else. Last week, HoD was so far ahead that even later in the week when JQ had most of the map for 2 or 3 days, they couldn’t catch up in points. This week, we’re outmanned on 2 of 3 borderlands and EB has no queue at 6 pm eastern time. I guess it’s just JQ’s turn for queue times as more and more leave for the winning team.

I frankly don’t even see the point of joining the 1st sever bandwagon. As I have mentioned, it’s not like they give out precious gems for the crown winner (Or even if they do, it’s not worth it). All you have is some pathetic 5% max hp and such.. I meant really? For THAT, you want to abandon your guild and your friends and transfer to another server? I can easily get caught with something important in RL that I may not even play for a entire week LOL. Why people are so hyped being NO.1 is beyond me. Perhaps they need to desperately justify something that they would otherwise not get elsewhere.

HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: CaptChaos.7946


Geez.. all the people got so hyped over the WvW stuff.. It’s not like they pay you gems for doing good in WvW (some of the games do). And they even reset every week. I am sure people will get bored of it really quickly . For those who actually want action they should go spvp or tpvp.