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Legitimate Cheating in Wvwvw.

in WvW

Posted by: Captain Jaguar.3642

Captain Jaguar.3642

Eh why do people feel the need to dictate how others play?

Sure, this is pure cheese, but how exactly is it affecting your gameplay? They’re in OS, they’re not taking up space on a WvW map.

Seems silly this is making you cranky enough to 1: Waste time on it; and 2. Post about it.

probably because they are farming a title that’s supposed to be given to those who are actually dedicated to the game enough that they get the title the right way. I wouldn’t care if it was a pve title, but it’s a PVP title meant to show skill in PVP. Seems idk, trashy to me.
And even if it doesn’t to you. It’s not ‘dicating’ how someone plays. It’s still legitimate exploiting that should be addressed on principle alone.

Legitimate Cheating in Wvwvw.

in WvW

Posted by: Captain Jaguar.3642

Captain Jaguar.3642

Well, I tried to keep them from cheating for the title rank, although he isn’t getting Wvwvw EXP he’s still getting kills toward the title. and he’s doing it by farming another person who just dies, respawns, and dies again. The main guy is too strong for me to fight on my own, and if another strong player comes in to assist me, he changes to his ranged character (and the other one changes to their thief) and they 3rd party voice to coordinate tagging (wheras the thief then jumps off the cliff, killing herself and awarding the other guy with a nother point towards the tag)
Here’s when I first noticed it. pay attention to the time clock in the right hand corner.
I later came back and saw they were still doing it. Again, tried to stop them but nope.


(edited by Captain Jaguar.3642)