Showing Posts For Captain Towers.9518:

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Captain Towers.9518

Captain Towers.9518

Been with LaZy back in GW1 and loving Life with them again in GW2. It’s a great Organized Community of Quality People. Love WvW with Guildees along with the other great Members on Cystal Desert Family. We continue to grow and encourage more communication between the guilds especially in WvW. We are Top Tier Guild in Quality and look forward to opening our doors for other like minded people.

[ LaZy ] NATION ~ WvWvW ~ Crystal Desert | Established

in Guilds

Posted by: Captain Towers.9518

Captain Towers.9518

LaZy is a great place for any player that is looking for a little something different in their MMO gaming experience. The Community is top notch with great people from all walks of life. Friendly, Fun, and Very Organized in all aspects of the game. Certainly not your “Normal” Guild Experience.