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How to build a Necroman... wait a second...

in Necromancer

Posted by: CaptainBeard.1423


No mention of Jagged (not so) Horrors?

Death Magic is UNUSABLE in Dungeons, PvP, WvW

in Necromancer

Posted by: CaptainBeard.1423


Regardless of whether or not they trigger Rally, they are the most useless things this side of anywhere. I think we can all agree on that.

I mean: Only lives for a short period of time. Spawns after killing something so if you don’t have another thing to kill within 2 steps, the little bugger dies before doing anything at all. Keeps you in combat even after it dies. Makes your character voice the same lines over and over.

Only bonus? It might land a hit sometime. Maybe.

melee necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: CaptainBeard.1423


Don’t write off Cleric either, the +heals are great.

melee necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: CaptainBeard.1423


I think it all depends on how you plan on playing the build and laying out your stats. I’m very pleased with my dagger/warhorn//staff build.

For my build, the thing to keep in mind is that you are not there to do OMGDPS. It’s a very sturdy build with a focus on support/healing/pseudo-tanking (being able to take hits, stay alive, and help the group). Wells are your friend here. Here’s the layout:
(it appears the link isn’t working properly, you may have to paste it manually into your browser)

Don’t get stuck in the mindset that you are going to rely on only one weapon set, that would put you at a huge disadvantage – I find myself swapping weapons almost every time the CD is done because the abilities of dagger and staff complement each other very well (when one set of abilities is on CD, the other is usually coming off of CD). These two weapon sets also offer you the most self-healing you can get as a necro – rarely will you not have a rejuv running on you, and if things get hairy you can pop into DS until your Well of Blood or Life Siphon are off of CD – this is a very. durable. build.

As for the comment above about necros not being able to disengage from fights not going their way, this build actually allows for that. If things get hairy and you’re getting low on health, pop down a Well of Darkness, Well of Power, and Well of Blood (if any are on CD, just pop what you have, they all help), then Locust Swarm yourself for the speed boost, hit DS, and book it out of there. This may seem like a long sequence of abilities, but you can pump them all out in a couple seconds. This, in effect, will make it hard for enemies to hit you, will remove cripples, give you some health, and the extra HP pool of DS. I’ve used just this sequence to remove myself from hairy situations in PvE and PvP.

If you have any questions about specifics, let me know.

(edited by CaptainBeard.1423)