Showing Posts For Cassus Beli.9508:

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cassus Beli.9508

Cassus Beli.9508

This is driving me crazy. There is no incentive to do story mode, therefore no one does them. So how are we supposed to unlock explorable mode? I haven’t found a story mode group in almost a month. I’ve been stuck on the arah story quest for over a month.

Exactly, Its very poor the way that this has been Implemented. I’m at the Arah dungeon In my story & I have no one to do It with. Ive maxed out my 2 crafting disciplines, made my exotic weapon & armor. I have also done Karma runs & got my full set of Aurora armor with all the runes.
Last night (Friday) I actually switched the game off, I’m bored & annoyed so I won’t be playing nearly as much anymore.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cassus Beli.9508

Cassus Beli.9508

For two days now all I get Is ‘error attempting to sell’.