I have the same experience as many others have already mentioned on this thread.
I log on and to my horror I am not in the same place as my Guild or people on my friendslist. To join them, I had to group up and choose to join them in DR.
And all I read on /Mapchat is a lot of hate against the megaservers. And I wholeheartily agree with them. Megaservers are rubbish. As they are now, they do not work at all. People are scattered all over the place and the RolePlay community has been silenced.
I have not been a fan of Blizzard for a long time, but I hand it to them on one part. They promised to never use megaservers in WoW, and they kept it. For a good reason. They listened to their players who said they did not want the “new improved system of megaservers”. As far as I know, they kept a lot of players thanks to that decition. Arena Net, why do you not listen to your players who clearly do not want these servers?