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Exotic map drop - Soulbound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Catch.6807


So just finished Frostgorge Sound and got my two exotics for completing the map. One was a lvl 78 beserker amulet which was already soulbound to me without equipping… Is that normal or a bug? You put in the time to complete the whole map, get your reward and it’s soulbound to you whether you like it or not, whether you want it’s stats or not? Not even account bound so I could use it on another character if it was better suited to one?

Arah Story mode bugged

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Catch.6807


Party can’t get into the instance together. Knew there was this bug a while back but it’s the first time I’ve encountered it since level 30/doing AC. Thought it was fixed? Either way, everybody is getting a separate instance and no matter how much we move to different areas, log in and out, break party etc, the instance won’t reset. Every time one of us joins another person in a new party we’re getting the “Enter Arah story mode” pop up. A bit annoying after us all walking all the way over here for it and doing the events to stop the dungeon from being contested etc. =[

CoF exploit? Endgame pve and dungeon tokens?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Catch.6807


Ah, thanks for that. Much bigger incentive to play just from that one change.

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Catch.6807


I agree with something like this completely. I already have several hundred useless tokens from running dungeons with a friend for his gear and no doubt I’ll end up with more from helping/wanting to play with other people. I also want to try all the different dungeons and their paths out however:

1. it’s a pain getting people to do them if they get nothing useful from it.
2. people farming explorable modes, which is pretty much everyone who is doing an explorable mode in the first place get annoyed at first timers. They want to speed run and get annoyed at people not skipping mobs or wanting to watch the cut scenes. Which ends up being a pain for first timers when it comes to them downing at a boss they’ve never come across before then having to solo their way back through the mobs people wanted to rush by instead of clearing. I only tried CoF a couple of times last night and I haven’t had a chance to see the cut scenes yet because of people complaining.
3. It’s unrewarding. I want to do dungeons to see what it’s story/different paths are like but it’s annoying to end up with nothing at the end of something you’ve worked hard to do… The first time normally being the hardest. I don’t want 8 bank slots of different useless tokens either. I already know plenty of people who are sick of doing the same dungeon again and again but are stuck there because that’s the only option they have to get the gear they want.

For a game where they were supposed to wipe things like farming, questing etc… where they focus on freedom and exploring… It’s ridiculous to penalise players for wanting to explore, play with their friends and try other dungeons out and force them to grind the same one for hours.
If people want to farm an easier dungeon for gear I don’t really care. Their equipment is soulbound, it isn’t causing me any issues. For WvW maybe, but I’d rather have more fun and take a little bit longer to get my gear than miss content rushing it for that alone. I don’t feel it’s fair to hurt the people wanting to explore and play with friends, part of the whole games appeal and hype in the first place, because some want to speed run.

CoF exploit? Endgame pve and dungeon tokens?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Catch.6807


On the second path when you’re defending maggs whilst he tries to blow up the wall, most groups just skip the event and jump over the wall. Guessing Anet knows about this but is it going to get fixed any time soon or, doubtful, is it even remotely ok to do?

It’s next to impossible to find a group doing it without jumping over the wall. I was hoping some groups would at least be looking to do the other paths but no, nobody is interested. When i asked about them i got told they were buggy and that’t all anyone has said. I didn’t start CoF until the other night so never got to do this before it was buffed… But on the few occasions a team has actually agreed to do it… We squad wiped several times in a row, eventually the group just gave up and once again, jumped over the wall. From what I’ve read, most people seem annoyed at that part of the dungeon being buffed anyway instead of things like the final boss.

I guess I’m just going to leave it for now and play some other game until the dungeon is fixed since I don’t want to get banned. It’s frustrating though, was starting to get bored of completing maps and WvW I can only play for an hour or two before I want to do something else. The personal story I found to be uninteresting until later levels and overly easy the whole way through. Things like fighting Blightghast I just stood there and shot arrows from the side, nothing attacked me at all and some irritating npc repeated the same lines over and over again for the entire fight every few seconds. That’s not really something you can enjoy/lose yourself in. Thought I’d focus on lvl 80 gear since I actually like the dungeons but I can’t even do that now since this is the only dungeon left that I want gear from. Tokens are allocated to a specific dungeons gear so I can’t try all of them and their different paths out and still get rewarded with anything useful at the end of it, don’t really want 8 different sets of tokens filling up my bank either. I’ve been wanting to play with one of my friends and help him get his TA gear so I’ve been doing runs of Twilight Arbor to end up with hundreds of tokens that i’ll never use… So basically being deterred from playing with friends. Groups running dungeons tend to get annoyed at first timers in them too and it’s hard to convince anyone to do the explorable paths for fun/change if the gear they want isn’t in those particular dungeons. I can’t do dungeon runs for future characters either since the tokens are soulbound and I’m not yet ready to level another up to 80 and do all the map areas I’ve already done again. It’s just a bit annoying. I don’t really know what to do end game besides a couple of hours pvp/wvw every now and then.

The Golem conspiracy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Catch.6807


Bring back the lion’s arch golems! I never even got a print screen with them. Q_Q Not even one… =[