Showing Posts For Cavalcante.6789:

ESC key not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cavalcante.6789


Thanks for the suggestion, but no dice :/

Is there a keyboard setting for closing all windows in the controls settings? I would double check thakittens been a really long time since I have been in the controls settings.

I would also try to repair the client.

There’s no setting for this in-game that I saw, BUT repairing the client seems to have worked. Thanks!

ESC key not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cavalcante.6789


Thanks for the suggestion, but no dice :/

ESC key not working

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cavalcante.6789


As of two days ago, my Escape key does absolutely nothing in this game (and only in this game, it functions as normal everywhere else). It doesn’t bring up the game menu, which is only a small hassle, but much more importantly it doesn’t close any other in-game menus, or dialogues, or the world map, or trade windows, etc. You never really realize how much you use this key for these things until it stops working.

“Disable closing windows with ESC” is not ticked; a topic from a while ago recommended enabling this option, relogging, and disabling it again, which I have tried. This did happen to me once before but it went away after about a day; no such luck this time. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cavalcante.6789


The Trading Post ate a little over 1g32s of mine shortly after it came back up—I listed two items that sold, and they appear in my Things I’ve Sold tab, but the cash never appeared in the Pick Up tab. If this is something that’s recorded somewhere, and I just have to wait, that’s fine; I just want to make sure there’s nothing else I can or should do in the meantime. Thanks.