Showing Posts For CelestialCat.6240:

Orichalcum Ore vain unreachable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CelestialCat.6240


I haven’t checked if this has been fixed and I’m sorry for bring my topic backup after 2 months but to reply to Yereon it is in the wall when you move your camera around you can sometimes just see the yellow text show up and it’s too far away from the other cave where you bomb the nests I checked that cave before posting and you can even get close to it but since it’s just a bit too far out of reach to mine.

Orichalcum Ore vain unreachable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CelestialCat.6240


Agreed, I’d like to be able to reach the ore since it’s in such a limited supply.

intentionally kicking members in dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: CelestialCat.6240


Worse then the 2 vote kicking is the leader at the end of the dungeon run leaving the party and everyone being kicked out of the dungeon with no end reward, except maybe the leader who quickly skipped the cut scene to grab their loot and leave.

For now I suggest running dungeons with guildies, they are less likely to be mean or troll you.

Orichalcum Ore vain unreachable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CelestialCat.6240


I wanted to go mine the Orichalcum Ore vain in Southsun Cove’s Karka Hive that wasn’t guarded by a Champion Karka only to find it was covered by rock. My minimap says it’s in the cave/hive yet, I can not reach it and only after some moving around the camera and recording it with bandicam was I able to even get the yellow text to show for a screenie.

In short, Orichalcum Ore vain unreachable.


Smash the Town achievement bugged?

in Wintersday

Posted by: CelestialCat.6240


The achievement is doable, I’ve done it and so have others. You have to destroy every building, tree, play ground, etc so check behind rocks and double check ruins of stuff you have already demolished as some times it could be a part of a fence that’s left or a tree behind a rock, or something.

Time Schedule: 10AM All Week Long?

in Wintersday

Posted by: CelestialCat.6240


I definitely like the all day event rather then the one time event at some time that happens to be early in the morning for us Aussies. I’ll still probably set my alarm for just before 4 am each day so I can see the Blimp roll in and then go back to sleep before joining the event, probably.

Still I wish an official time in GMT was posted with the different times (Had to check the times on the wiki for that to make sure of the time since it has the GMT listed) as not everyone likes trying to figure out people’s daylight savings offsets and then applying their own if they have one. There are a lot of players outside of the US you know.

[BUG] Zojja is now bald

in Personal Story

Posted by: CelestialCat.6240


I just did the meeting of the Edge of destiny members and the Stealing Secrets mission, and I can’t be help think that while Zojja is bald without the nice little hat she has no normally but that guards that couldn’t find a hair tonic that works…

I think we need some new npcs selling some hair tonics quick before it becomes a pandemic. Hair tonics~ Hair tonics for sale. Guaranteed to put hair on you even if it’s not your head.