Showing Posts For Chainsofstrife.3840:

Breaking the Blade, you can get past this?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


Ah, sorry, I checked the story boss. I checked Howler as well, same story. He’s a veteran, with reduced damage.

The problem is she poisons you,and bleeds you,(Which last forever) and her rate of fire is obsured. Not to mention in the previous mission you had beat her and you had captain Thackery and a group of Npcs with you here it’s just you and her, with no way for my engineer to remove those i dodged twice effectivly and then watched my health dissapear that and i think thers is a bug because several times it displayed my healing skill refilled my hp(the default elixer) and then I was down with the next hit, she must have swiftness too because she on you wicked fast. while for an expert like you it won’t be hard but for a noob who is still learning the class mechanics(this is level 10 after all) she definatly OP

Annoyed at P/S difficulty moaners!

in Personal Story

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


This is a game. A game is supposed to provide challenge. No challenge, no fun. Imagine seeing Tim Henman just volley balls from a serving machine for hours. Or watching Sebastian Vettel drive an entire F1 race on his own. Maybe watching someone pack sandwiches in a factory is more your thing, although is there a little bit too much challenge when the plastic wrap machine runs out of sellophane?

If you really don’t like dying, consider it as an ‘injured’ or ‘forced to retreat’. Or just level yourself to WAY past the story mission’s difficulty and faceroll it with exotic gear.

Why does EVERYONE want stuff handed to them on a plate? Life contains challenges, your character’s life should, too.

while i like a great challange there is a difference between challanging and cheap.Fighting a veteran yourself that bleeds you with guns and poisons and seems to have homing bullets and adds mobs when your just starting out is just cheap( it’s kinda like expecting Sebastian Vettel to win that F1 race in a GO KART, or having Tim Henman play volleyball against an olympic team with a toddler for his partner.)

Dungeon Solo

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


I don’t think dungeon-play should be made solo. Anet designed dungeons for a specific niche in the game; to challenge groups with harder content than is on landscape.

Maybe one day if some dungeons are hardly ever being run by groups anymore then that might be cause to make them solo-friendly so that content does not go to waste.

I posted this in a previous post but make the “Story mode” soloable with a minimal reward so you can get the story aspect of it (the destiny’s edge storyline seems like an awesome story)and make it sort of like a training mode for noobs so they can feel more comfortable running group content. Because right now you can’t complete your personal story with a group wich is definatly a bummer.

Can you defeat zhaitan solo?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


It’s a dungeon, so it’s not soloable,

While I think the last Boss in the entire game shouldn’t be soloable, maybe you should have made it like the first instance in the game were all characters/players who are on that go to that instance, you did however let people down by advertising that you did not want to force players into running dungeon content/grouping to experience the story, and then you force them to do just that. Story mode dungeons should be Soloable but with minimal loot reward and then if you want to up the difficulty and offer better rewards for exploreable versions go ahead. Or at least implement a Looking for group fuction because like other players have complained about you really only find groups for running fractals.

Personal Story and lots of deaths...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


You guys Seriously need to tone down the difficulty of some personal story mobs I mean seriously at level 11 I cannot continue my PS because I have to Solo a Level 10 veteran MOB (doc Howler in waiting to get revenge on two blade Pete) who hits you no matter how much you dodge and causes bleeding that lasts forever holy crap unless you play Guardian she takes your lfe down in a Matter of seconds at least make her a non veteran or have Thackery help you out because this basically made me delete my engineer in frustration which makes the game totally unfun

System Crash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


I just encountered a wierd issue were i was in the middle of playing the game when i got a system 42 error when i finally logged back in all my progress for the last hour was lost

preorder items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


I am one of those crazy people who will cteate and delete several characters until i find the right one when i create a new character i recieve the preorder bonus item however it say you can only have it for one character but it won’t let me delete the message without taking it does it mean i can’t send it to other characters on the account or is it one per an account regardless of characters is the fact that iam recieving one every time i create a character considered a bug/exploit?

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chainsofstrife.3840


I too am still waiting for an answer i was perma banned for supposedly selling in game items for real money(i was at work when this occured i am assuming it was hacked)it’s been 6 days now with no response
ticket #s are 120901-004789]
Incident: 120905-002495]

(edited by Chainsofstrife.3840)