Showing Posts For ChampionSound.3594:
I personally run 20/0/20/30/0…
Berserkers Power, Slashing Power
Embrace the Pain, Last Stand
Empowered, Lung Capacity, Vigorous shouts
My helm, chest and legs are PPT. My GS is berserker, and the rest is PVT. I socketed my jewelry with ruby jewels.
~3.15k attack
~3.08k armour
20% crit chance
26% crit dmg
Close to 28k hp I believe
Also, This is strictly my PvE build. You should check out Defecktive’a Avalanche build for PvP.
(edited by ChampionSound.3594)
“Is clerics needed for healing?”
No, +healing scales badly for warriors. You’re much better off with PVT gear and some points in the toughness tree for survivable traits and an inconsequential gain in healing power.
A full knight set with a few berserker pieces and ruby gems in the jewelry will handle most cases in PvE. You’ll have great damage and will be somewhat survivable. Things will definitely change once you hit FotM level 30+.
To me, the warrior feels like a very offensive class with little sustain. This becomes a problem at high level PvE. As a trade off to their sustain issues, warriors will always have some good DPS options regardless of their toughness level. This makes building full PVT very viable.
Speccing tanky will not ‘gimp’ your warrior. You won’t be able to achieve glass cannon damage, but your sustainability issues (if you also spec into healing shouts/banners) will be almost nullified.
I hope this helps and good luck!
I know this is the wrong thread to post in, but I’m too lazy to find your ‘Avalanche’ thread. Anyway, I’m a big fan your Avalanche build because of its ability to shut down high burst pub stomping builds. But considering it is neither a high burst roamer or a bunker spec, how does your team incorporate you? I’m new to TsPvP and this will help me understand the meta more. Thank you!
I agree with you.. I would die in about two seconds. The build you stated probably won’t have enough synergy, has no sustain, and won’t allow me to utilize my boons and attunements to the fullest extent. In summary, you’re giving me a VERY ineffective build and telling me that it won’t work. How does this have any relevance to chickens playing GW2?
I totally agree with you, OP… Chickens flapping around and pecking at the keys must have a very hard time with proper skill rotations, attunement swapping, etc. heck, it’s like a ten minute walk for a chicken to get from the keyboard to the mouse IF he doesn’t get distracted… The real issue here is that GW2 and the devices used to play it are all designed to be ergonomic for humanoids. Anet should acknowledge that their player base consists partly of chickens and other creatures of the avian variety.
What if… fifth attunement? Imagine the power..
There isn’t that much of a difference between what you have and ruby orbs. I’d keep your scholar/divinity runes because it would be a waste of money to replace them for minimal gains. Instead, you should dedicate all your money to repairs.
My personal favourite is the Soldier Rune. Shouts are already very nice to have, and having them remove conditions party wide makes them godlike. If you wanted a DPS rune set, I’d go with strength or ogre. Divinity and Eagle are a waste imo. ruby orbs wil suffice in that area for much much less. If you can’t decide or are short on money, orbs will do in the mean time.
Zsymon basically sums it up. Also, I’d ditch the +40% precision trait at level 80, as you’re only getting 7-9% critical chance from it. This way you can fill your utility bar with skills that keep you alive (which is most important) or support your team. Warrios also have a great access to fury, so even without the 40 precision trait, you’re still critting practically everytime.
I’m just hoping for Rush and Fast hands to get fixed.
bull’s charge + 100b is incredibly easy to dodge and there are plenty of skills that render the combo useless even if bull’s charge hits (uses every cooldown too). Also, 100b is one of the most balanced skills in the game… You perform 8 attacks, the last one being the most powerful, and you’re rooted the whole time. So in that sense, face melting actually isn’t one directional.
I’m sure all of us have experienced this message while looking for a dungeon group. I understand the importance of this chat suppression, but it sometimes makes finding a group somewhat tedious. I’ve also noticed the option to change your availability to “LFG” in the contacts window. This is a good idea, but I believe that it isn’t as effective as it could be. I propose an LFG chat channel to be put alongside the LFG contact option. This way, one can broadcast their message to a greater volume of players, while at the same time, eliminating unnecessary spamming in map chat.
LFG messaging being supressed definitely isn’t a game changing problem, but I think it would be nice to have a better matchmaking system once more crucial issuses are resolved.