Showing Posts For Chaos Swarm.6430:
i am am woudnerign pepol who did last beta test who stil have the beta carakter slot is 100% alowed do it or whe most get the Portal to the Heart of Maguuma item. bekos. whay whe stil have the carakter slot if not alowed :P
same Her liek every 1 els. maked may back item 7 days after p1. now i have a pet seed. sow hope you fix this bug fast you kan. whel its mor like a code wrong ting then a bug
thx every 1 answered may qwestion that explaisn every ting sold al blue/grn/rare minis when acended wopen craftign geted back in the days.
I Kant get the 4 last points for the mianture colector title for miniature set 1. is it bekos you Kant get from Gemstore miniature set 1 box?
i now i didn’t bay the 4 exotic minis before. i bayed 1 now and didn’t get 1 point. is still at 50/54 maybe this been talked before. i most had missed it then. wold Lowe have answer. or is it you ned to have al the mianture pets in the colection same tiem get it? dont have the other ones left sow…
(edited by Chaos Swarm.6430)
Prinsess Sylvia.“biological Creation” Sylvia is a creation whit DNA from 1 of tyrias Hero 250 years ago who was a human fused together whit norn DNA. The human Hero wanted to haver her be remembered eternity sow she make a deal whit a Asura to make clones of her, and she wanted it to be a norn clone,s bekos she wanted her clones be strong. years passed and after 20 years experiment the asura suxided make clones whit the DNA and put memory to the technology he have created under the years, the clone heaved her original memory, every time a clone died a meemry implant tended its memory to the computer sow wold create another clone whit its experience. now in the present time the asura heaved redesigned its body, toxic breath, a chest piece that produced attractive smell that make ignore every 1 els and go for the clone.
i gowed for a skin combo who works whit scerlite karka shell,(Top/Bottom) air-filtration device. primeval pauldrons . flamewrath chestplate.Primeval gauntlets. stag chausses. plated boots.
(edited by Chaos Swarm.6430)