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Old Oola's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChaosLogic.1290


Yeah there is no console or anything to start any sort of event. There is something on the right side of the wall, a diamond with a pinkish purpluish circle in the middle, but it isnt anything of value. im kinda clueless

Yeah, that’s normally the thing you use to take the quiz. If you can’t interact with it, then I guess it’s broken.

Old Oola's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChaosLogic.1290


The quiz is outside the lab.

There is a console outside the lab that you use to take the quiz, I don’t think you talk to Oola yourself.

I don’t know if the quiz breaks when the door is open though…

Old Oola's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ChaosLogic.1290


I thought the skill point near Oola’s lab is the quiz outside.

The one skill point that I know is broken is the Hylek you have to fight. He’s been broken for about 2 weeks now.