Showing Posts For Chartreuse.2754:
I made 100 gold by myself by extensively playing the trading post. I’ve already equipped myself with full exotic gear with spare money so I decided to get commander since I do not plan on getting a legendary. Despite my lack of strategic wvwvw knowledge, I am learning & trying my best. I would like to agree with the OP but if every character on your account could be using it, it would just be too common when this is something anet wants to be hard to get.
very nice, looking forward to see more.
One of my favorite aspects of the game is the dyes. I’ve been trying to discover nice color schemes but I’m quite bad at it. Share your color schemes, the gear you’re wearing, & the name of the dyes you’re using?
-Light Armor
-Iron & Strawberry Dye
-Exotic Berserker set crafted from the Tailor