Showing Posts For CheckPlease.2631:
Since the implementation of the outmanned pip bonus being awarded at the beginning of the tick, if you join a map that is out numbered halfway through the tick and die before the start of the next outmanned tick, you have to repair your armor.
It seems that the fix applies the entire outmanned bonus to the player at the start of the tick, preventing players from getting the other outmanned bonus’ given by the buff.
Technically not a bug, but is an issue that should be looked at separating the outmanned pip bonus and the other buffs granted by fighting in an outmanned map.
was not in t4 so don’t know the answer, but did you look within game or Mos.mellenium has been wrong since skirmish scoring. it is sort of close, but almost always off by a few points.
I did not check before reset, however right now for T3, the scoring is spot on.
I do remember looking at who was in first, second and third, and HoD was in second so we should have stayed in T4, and not moved up to T3.
The only thing I can think of, is ANet “fixed” the scoring for the skirmishes that had those ghost maps, and it didn’t reflect in the scoring.
(edited by CheckPlease.2631)
According to match history, the last 12 have been wonky.
Only 2 of those NSP had over 1000 kills. The average for the rest is 500.
Since skirmish 32, NSP has acquired 10k war score per.
The bug seems to be NSP earning double points.
OP is referring to current skirmishes. Right now, NSP has a skirmish total of 10K, while only gaining 109 tics lowest of the three servers with only 325 kills. Is seems that they are earning double points.
Just adding that I too was crashing and removing d3d9.dl and bgdm.dll (BGDM DPS Meter) from the bin folder fixed it.
I suggest removing and mods you have and see if those are causing the crashing.
Do you have a DPS meter installed or any other mods?
I was having the same issue and after uninstalling BGDM DPS Meter (removed the dll’s from the GW2 bin folder) and it was fixed
Just adding that I too was crashing and removing d3d9.dl and bgdm.dll (BGDM DPS Meter) from the bin folder fixed it.
Thanks guys!