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Venomous Aura question

in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


I jumped into the Heart of the Mists and had a venom share build with two different PvP amulets. One had 0 condition damage, the other had 923. My friend who I was sharing the venoms on had 100 condition damage, so their poison ticks were hitting for 94. When I shared a venom with my 0 condition damage, they said they were still ticking for 94. When I equipped the condition amulet and shared the venom once more, their poison was still only ticking for 94.

I did the same thing with a healing amulet and tested Leeching Venoms awhile ago, and found that the heals were all dependent on my own healing power.

I haven’t tested condition durations, but from my tests with my friend I can see that…

Shared Spider Venom = Dependent on the attacker’s condition damage.
Healing from Leeches = Dependent on the sharing Thief’s healing power.

Spider Venom is the only venom ability that does damage anyway, so it’s not like it’s a very important factor, but it is nice to know. Also I can try and test the condition durations as well, once I can drag a friend of mine away to do so.

Venomous Aura question

in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


I tested this with a friend of mine in the Heart of the Mists, and it appears that a shared Spider Venom will use the condition damage of whoever triggered it. So your condition damage as a venom sharing thief has no impact on a shared Spider Venom.

Hope that helps!

New Weapon Set: Sniper Rifle (Venoms get some love <3 )

in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


Yeah I think the idea of a shot that steals a boon from your target and shares it with your team fits well with the Thief theme. The only thing is you don’t want it to be too powerful as to make something like Bountiful Theft useless.

5 or maybe 6 initiative cost would make it so that it couldn’t be spammed (two shots would drain most initiative bars). It should also only steal one boon, and maybe only share it with one nearby ally instead of multiple.

Then again, Thieves are generally somewhat lacking in the support skill set, so keeping it as a sort of “mini Bountiful Theft” that still granted the boon to multiple allies might not be so bad.

The damage it does, if any, should be low. I’m thinking something like Headshot (pistol offhand) damage. The skill would be almost entirely utility/support, which is something the Thief is sorely lacking in. I think Headshot and Black Powder are really the only weapon skills that could be considered ultility/support skills.

[edit] Oh, and the Tag Shot would fit well with my skill ideas because of the emphasis on range that I gave the Rifle. It would steer it more towards being a support skill that would be used to bolster teammates rather than the thief alone, seeing as the thief would want to remain at range and the stripped boons would only apply to allies around the target.

(edited by Cherry.5712)

New Weapon Set: Sniper Rifle (Venoms get some love <3 )

in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


I always thought the Rifle would work with the Thief too. Here’s a couple of my ideas that I came up with, though I really like FrozenLuv.6017’s idea of the boon stealing shot.

1. Penetrating Shot

Fire a penetrating shot that increases in velocity the further it travels, leaving your target vulnerable.

0-500 range: 120 damage
500-1000 range: 150 damage + 1 stack of vulnerability (6s)
1000+ range: 170 damage + 2 stacks of vulnerability (6s)

Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance)

1. (While Stealthed) Sniper’s Eye

Fire a shot at extremely long range, damaging your target and stunning them if you hit from behind.
Unable to be used on targets at closer ranges.
Damage: 560
Stun (1.5 sec)
Cast time: 1.5 sec
Range: 900-1800

2. Aimed Shot

Aim a shot that does more damage the longer it is aimed. Must stand still to aim.

1 sec charge: 170 Damage
2 sec charge: 310 Damage
3 sec charge: 450 Damage
Range: 1200

Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile

Initiative cost: 2 – 5

3. Deceitful Evasion

Evade backwards, leaving three small bombs at your previous location that
detonate to damage and bleed foes caught in the blast.

Damage: 80 × 3
Bleeding x3 (6 sec)
Radius: 200
Combo Finisher: Blast

Initiative cost: 4

4. Tag Shot (FrozenLuv.6017’s idea for skill #3, because I like it too!)

5. Hunter’s Memory / Reposition

Mark your current location for 15 seconds. Skill becomes Reposition which
will shadowstep you back to your marked location,
removing Crippled, Chilled, Immobilized and stealthing you for 3 seconds.

Initiative cost: 6 when using Reposition.

(edited by Cherry.5712)

Question about Signet of Malice with Hastened Replenishment

in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


No. Hastened Replenishment is only triggered from heals that are cast.

Bugs and Issues Compilation:

in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


Venoms are disappearing from charge when I use the trick caltrop. I don’t have this issue with scorpion wire, another type of trick. It has an odd delay for when it disappears, usually 2 seconds after I use caltrops. I haven’t started using caltrops with venoms until after the recent update, so I don’t know if it’s a persistent bug or not.

Venoms currently have an annoying feature where any sort of missed attack (missed, evaded, blocked, obstructed, out of range, etc.) will still use up a charge of your venoms. Caltrops will pulse every second once they’re dropped, and each of those pulses is considered an “attack”, which is probably why you’re seeing your venoms drop off prematurely.

That’s a good find though, and another reason why I think Thief venoms should just stay on until a successful hit is made.


in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


Don’t forget to check the heart NPCs after filling a heart. Once you get to level 15+, they typically all sell green armor and items that tend to have unique looks compared to dropped gear you might find on the trading post.

If you don’t want to waste that much karma, you can buy the blue versions from the heart merchants as well, which will have lesser stats but still have the same look.

Venoms are a joke...

in Thief

Posted by: Cherry.5712


The one problem I have with venoms is how the procs fall off from any kind of missed attack.

Out of range, obstructed, missed, blocked, evaded… — If you don’t land a successful hit, a venom charge is still wasted. It really stinks if for things like Basilisk and Devourer that only have 1-2 charges to begin with. (2-3 with the trait)

And as far as I know, other abilities which trigger off attacks don’t get wasted in this way. I know the Guardian’s “apply burning on the next attack” ability doesn’t get used until you actually land a hit. Would be nice if Venoms were treated this way as well, and I think would make them a lot more viable.

Fought a mesmer, he was invincible. How?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cherry.5712


This is just a complete guess, but….

Given the situation I imagine the mesmer in question took the time to summon 3 iDefenders up top on the ledge before jumping down. Since the phantasms had no clear path to their targets, they just stood up there and became immune while the mesmer was able to soak up damage that way?

Just a theory, I have no idea if that works. Though if it does, it’s clearly abusing something.