Showing Posts For CherryChiicake.1378:
Well see, it’s a sinister set. Viper didn’t exist at the time, so it was the best for my condi damage build when I made it. Which sorta points out the problem with the “only having to do it once”, too, since what’s meta can and will change based on any new stat sets that get introduced, any balance patches that happen to buff or nerf whatever skill is doing the most or least damage at any given time, new elite specs, etc.
Somewhat OT but it would be a lot easier to gear appropriately for raids if we had a non cash shop option for getting our runes out of ascended stuff. I don’t have the gold to eat that cost every couple months and still work toward my other game goals.
And then I lose 100g in runes.
It’s literally
Get ascended gear of your stats: I did this a year ago idk about you
Get some scheduling done: Needing friends for this content is exactly the appealThat’s it. You can now make attempts and I look forward to your first VG kill.
Yeah, except when no one will allow the “ascended gear of your stats” that you spent several months making into raids, because it doesn’t figure into a meta build…
Thank you for the prompt and great response, off to put in my vote-by-wallet purchase immediately!
Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: CherryChiicake.1378
I am personally fine with the price, but it is ridiculous to not include at least one character slot with the base package, especially since newer players are getting five right out. It just does not demonstrate a commitment to the existing user base. I have been with the game since the original betas but I am holding off on my preorder in the hopes that they come to their senses, so that then I can pull my wallet out and let them know monetarily that this is the thing they needed to do.
I don’t post often on these forums, despite being a “veteran” since the original beta weekends, but I feel like it’s important to put my opinion on the pile here and be counted as not thrilled with this change.
I understand wanting to streamline interfaces, but in this case, the change, while offering a more clean window, largely just makes players feel like they are being hit up for more money. I have spent money in the gem store many times over the last two years and change. The irregular pricing on items in the store (150 gems, 1000 gems) when compared with the amounts available for me to purchase, (800, 1600) has always been somewhat irritating, but that irritation was mitigated by the ability to “round up” using the gold to gem conversion window. Limiting my ability to do that limits my desire to purchase gems, because while “oh, I like this gathering tool. I will spend $10 and then convert a little money to get it” has been something I have done on many occasions, conversely, if I have to look at it from a “I either lose most of my gold or I pay $20 for this same gathering tool,” I’m going to come to a different conclusion.
If the goal was to get me to purchase more gems from the store, that is not what this will achieve. It will simply make me weigh my options and come down on the side of “I guess I don’t need that gathering tool that much.”
(edited by CherryChiicake.1378)
Actually, I’ve had this problem since the original patch went live, and it’s continued despite all the patches thereafter. Out of 9 knights, only 2 dropped anything.
*SPOILERS - Engineer fanservice
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: CherryChiicake.1378
That’s awesome.
I personally view my kicking of Scarlet’s butt to be an admission that I am a superior engineer somehow.
Absolutely agreed; this is my favorite boss fight in the game yet. It’s got just the right balance of teamwork and difficulty— you definitely need coordination, yet it is something that can be accomplished without the use of teamspeak; it’s hard, but not unforgiving. The NPCs are integrated into the scene in a useful and engaging way. The event is on a timer such that you can plan ahead in order to get your guild in for it. There are enough things to do that the whole thing isn’t a mindless zerg like the Pavilion (which I actually liked, but this is better). I wish the marionette was staying instead of the wurms!
I know that by virtue of preferences not everyone will enjoy this particular fight, but I absolutely do.
Yes, my compliments to the chef as well— this part of living story definitely had a good sense of progression and accomplishment, the cutscene was great and satisfying, and I love all the information the NPCs in the Kessex camp are dispensing.
Fantastic job GW team!
I have been having this problem all day. I have 1/30 to go at this point, and I’ve done 3 of these tonight without getting the achievement. It is really frustrating.
Same problem with T2 heavy female! I had a touch of gold that would show up just a tiny bit on the torso and gloves, and when I opened her up today it looked like she’d spilled mustard on herself.
I’d be interested in joining as well (though sad I missed the one called the Taco Squad, because that’s a great name.)
The design, sexualized or not, was a little jarring at first— it knocked me out of my suspension of disbelief for a second when I first saw them. But how my brain filled in the gaps here (and I am honestly not being flippant here) was that “well, I guess Queen Jennah has an appreciation for the female form.”
It’s in! Thanks so much.
Thanks again for the update, Regina!
Thank you very much!
Thanks. I’m really pretty frustrated by this and it’s making it somewhat difficult to be excited about the new content.
ANet, you let people who missed the one-time Mad King Event get their hats when the date was posted correctly well in advance of things. Please let those who saw your initial, incorrect announcement finish the story.
Only two classes can use Rifles (W/Eng), so there’s much less motivation to experiment than for, say, Greatswords (M/R/W/G). Also note that Engineers don’t actually have their rifle visible for a good chunk of time (spend time in kits), so remove even more motivation to spend resources looking for good skins.
To play devil’s advocate here, my main is an engineer, I use a rifle, and I hardly ever use kits, so my rifle is in front of me all the time (in case an Anet employee wants to take note of my existence.) So yes, it would be nice to have more skins available, especially since the Predator is not really my style. I’m currently rocking the Lion’s Arch donation rifle, which is nice, but options are always good.
I don’t care about the keys, I just want the stupid rifle I saved up for. :/
Another on Henge of Denravi with the same issue.
Just had the same issue in CM dungeon 10:40EST 11/1/02.
Agreed! I love Lunatic Inquisition. I’m a bit nervous about PvP (I haven’t actually tried it yet for real) but have had a really good time testing the waters with this no-pressure minigame.
As of this week my ambient playlist is also broken (it was working previously.)