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Upcoming Global Change to Player Minions

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Chesshire.7485


Sweeeeeet Laaaaaawd BABY JEEEESUS-AH!!!!! Can I get an Amen?!

Thank you very much Devs, with every update, my minions grow stronger.

Chronomancer Changes for Next BWE

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chesshire.7485


I am enjoying these changes, especially the change to All’s Well That Ends Well. This will give us the edge for Alacrity that will sell it. I do like the change for the Flow of Time. I am hoping to see a little bit of a change with the Echo of Memory Phantasms themselves, but I do also see the need to nerf them. Thank you so much for buffing the Improved Alacrity Trait. Most importantly thank you guys for all the Time and Effort you guys put into this amazing game. I cannot wait patiently for the next BWE event and I am even more anxious for the Expansion pack. Keep rocking Tyria guys!

Chronomancer Report

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chesshire.7485


I would like to start this by saying, personally, I loved it. It’s on it’s way to what I am hoping it could be when it comes out.

Down to brass, I’ve been working on a build for this for a while (wiki/game) and it’s coming out well(s) so far. Mechanics were fun to learn, it was like a brand new class in how I had to run it. That’s what made it stand out so much, it offered a brand new play style.


Skill 4, Echo of Memory:

  • The blocking element was interesting to incorporate more actively to obtain my Phantasm’s.
  • The Alacrity being bounced only two three targets did not make it worth it though. Especially not at the rate it was being activated. It needed to be an AOE.
  • Or the Bounced Alacrity NEEDS to be longer then 1s.
  • The Double Blocking was fun to attempt but made obtaining both Phan’s difficult if not straight under attack, though this also makes them more worthwhile.

Skill 5 Tides of Time:

  • Having the wall come back to you without needing a trait was enjoyed.
  • The quickness given was very useful, but at 1 3/4th seconds, I would think a full 2 would make it more worthwhile, especially with it’s prolonged CD.
  • The stun on it was sublime, not a long one but enough to just interrupt and stop an NPC long enough for a fun mechanic.
    *When the wall crashed into any obstruction it would despawn, this was found to be very annoying in tight area’s or obstacles that could be in the battlefield. A way around this could be to have it end it’s run and then come back after that.


Well of Eternity:

  • A massive heal that was a great help.
  • Self heal was wonderful for self sufficiency.
  • The Vigor it gives, along with the heal helps make this a wonderful support build.
  • I think maybe it should have soft mini heals during the pulses just to help keep people alive while awaiting the big heal but that might be a bit OP, unless the final heal was nerfed for the amount given. The point of the massive heal is to gives a jump-back-in-Time feel though, though the ticks of heals could give a seconds effect.

Well of Action:

  • Mini Time Warp
  • The way it’s set up is wonderful as it to be honest. The quickness given matches the slows given.

Well of Calamity:

  • Was a main source of damage I felt for this class.
  • I didn’t feel the sense of dread for the damage, but that may have been because of my build.
  • That said the Cripple and Weakening were most helpful to setting up the other wells and helping allies, which still kept it wonderful Support.

Well of Recall:

  • Probably the most needed of the wells for Support next to Well of Eternity.
  • The chill effect was powerful but not really necessary I felt.
  • With a kitten CD and only 3s of Alacrity I felt that it didn’t feel worth it to have if it wasn’t for the fact that it was the sole source of Alacrity. A shorter CD Time perhaps or an elongated duration? The Chill and damage could easily be removed for another 3 -5 seconds. It wouldn’t make sense for the Alacrity to be applied after so I can see why it is 1s a pulse, but maybe an extended duration would give it a much better usage of its Time.

Well of Gravity:

  • A worthwhile CC ult but I can’t help but feel that without the drag to the center shown in the Chronomancer trailer, it was difficult to keep enemies in the AOE for it to be useful. I was really hoping for that “Pluse, sent to the center.” as was shown.
  • For an Elite Skill, I felt it needed to do more as an ability, or to at least do more damage to make it worthwhile.

I enjoyed all the of traits given but here is my only commentary.

Improved Alacrity:

  • 33% To only two abilities that give this buff, and both are only 1 second, did not make this worthwhile. It would if one of the abilities gave more then a second, which I was really hoping and counting on the Phantasms, but they just did not deliver.

All in all I still absolutely loved the class, but I will note it requires and focuses, funny enough, a lot on Timing. I’m hoping the Alacrity problem will be able to be reworked upon, because that is what is really going to make this one of the top most notable support builds and I cannot wait till the next Beta.