Showing Posts For Chief Pacabowl.9856:
Really no idea? How many patch days have you been through! This happens about every highly anticipated patch… This is what happens with a million + people hit a server at the same time and ask for 500mb of data.
I doubt thers even 100k people that play this game
Im just getting a connection error, idk y im wasting my time with this patch anyway, its a total fail for pvp
I think if they made the changes mentioned and also lowered the cost of paids to 2-3 tickets, there would be a lot more people joining. I haven’t played paids in about a month just cause it costs too kitten much. With the current system, the only people getting a lot of tickets are the people that are winning.
I heard that they are fixing the loading screen bug, and its prolly some wintersday stuff also.
This has been happening to me all the time. It happens to me in pretty much every tourny match, and about 1/4 of my spvp matches. Makes me not even want to play this game anymore its so annoying. This should have been fixed by now.