Cruela Kill (Nec) / Lana B Ana (Elem)
Showing Posts For ChiefAaron.9721:
Cruela Kill (Nec) / Lana B Ana (Elem)
Blood Wolves Clan is kicking off its weekly Monday night PvE gatherings starting on February 9 from 7-11 pm PST. We’ll be working our way through the dungeon content and also doing some world event farming as well as helping each other complete any difficult story quests. This is a great time to just enjoy PvE together. Most of us will be on the SOLA Mumble servers, too. For more info check out the event details on the SOLA website here:
Cruela Kill (Nec) / Lana B Ana (Elem)
Ticket #1204017: Change Email and Username and Ticket #1204036:Finding Guild Wars Account Info to Link to Guild Wars 2 still both UNRESOLVED. Please address.
Cruela Kill (Nec) / Lana B Ana (Elem)
Ticket # 1204224 UNRESOLVED
Posting for a friend. Has mobile authentication issues and cannot login. Is trying to play your game and pay you money to move servers but cannot do so. If you like money, please resolve ASAP. Thank you!
Cruela Kill (Nec) / Lana B Ana (Elem)